Category Archives: Learning Logs

LL1- The Thing Itself

When taking a photograph we look for the thing we want to capture, and what we desire to show the world. The difference of the photograph and the thing itself is that the world is always in motion, but the … Continue reading

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The Thing Itself

To me, I think the differences between photography and reality are first, people can see more details in a photograph which are ignored in their lives. Secondly, people also get resonance and feeling from the same photograph; besides that the … Continue reading

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The Thing itself

In the passage: “The Thing Itself”, the photographer wants to reflect your view on a photograph by showing that what we see in the photograph can show you more understanding and explanation than the subject or even the photograph itself. What I mean by … Continue reading

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The Thing Itself

Many photographs capture a moment in time but somehow, the photo and the “thing itself” are not the same. When taking a photo, the subject and actuality of the moment gets filtered because the “thing itself” didn’t pause while the … Continue reading

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In “The Thing Itself,” from The Photographer’s Eye by John Szarkowski, the difference between the subject of the photograph and the photograph is what you are currently seeing in front of you, the reality or the actual photograph. According to John, ” … Continue reading

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The Thing Itself response

In this excerpt from “The Photographer’s Eye” Szarkowski outlines the differences that a photographer creates between the photo and its subject which causes the photo to overall be more important than what it documents. He explains that photographs carry unrealistic … Continue reading

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Thoughts on “The Thing Itself”

The difference between the subject in a photograph and the photograph itself is that they are two separate different ideas of reality. In the passage, it states that “the factuality of [the photographer’s] pictures, no matter how convincing and unarguable, … Continue reading

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The Meaning of “The Thing Itself”

For what Szarkowski wanted to point out was that photos show a different side to an event compared to what a person sees with their own eyes. The photographer’s job is to try and make the photograph as believable as … Continue reading

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the thing itself

There are many differences between a subject and its photograph. However, the most important differences may be that the subject continues to move throughout time, while the photograph stays still and remains the same as the moment it was taken. … Continue reading

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According to Szarkowski, the difference between the thing that is shown in a photograph or the subject of the photograph is reality itself. He states that the photograph deals with the actual and him as a photographer would accept it … Continue reading

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