Author Archives: Kayla Williams

Williams Kayla Felix

This design works best for me because the colors and picture catches my attention and the lettering is easy to read unlike with other posters that caught my attention, but was a bit difficult to read. However, in a way if someone was passing by those other posters and was not in a rush to go anywhere, then they could really stop and try to figure out the other posters. But this one was more easy and still caught my attention.


I really enjoy these pages. I like how the words in the first page kinda goes along with the image on that sent at the top. And it just seems like typeface used works so well with the image. For the second one, I enjoy the simplicity of the typeface, how it was sans serif and bolded, yet put onto a full blue background. It’s so simple, yet it makes the page more easier to read and understand.

Williams Kayla_TT_RP. jpg

For these posters, I felt the white background one worked best because the information is clear and easy to read. Most of his posters had tiny font sizes, but although the posters were probably big enough to see, the words were diagonal and in weird places. The black background one worked the lest for me because at first glance I don’t really understand the information, you really have to look and read for a bit to see what it’s trying to say.