Malcolm X “Learning to Read”

Malcolm X’s literacy narrative, “Learning to Read” follows his journey as he learned to read in prison. Unlike Jose Antonio Vargas or Amy Tan, Malcom X focused his literacy narrative on a specific period of his life; he had only his own will guiding him through rewriting the entire dictionary, a feat he had accomplished in order to expand his vocabulary, and better his penmanship. His literacy narrative takes place during his adult life, unlike Vargas and Tan. His literacy narrative was not written to stand alone, it is a part of an autobiography, yet it still stands as a very strong piece on its own.

1 Comment

  1. Rebekah Coleman

    Dear Evyatar, Thanks! I like how you compare Malcolm X’s piece to the Tan and Vargas pieces. I also like your observation that he focused on one slice of his life in the telling of this particular story.

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