Donald Murray-All Writing Is Autobiography

In this essay Donald M. Murray tries to convey his idea that all writing is an autobiography. He gives key examples to prove his statement such as giving us a view from other writers points of views from their stories and how he can connect his own life to those and make that connection to his life. He started off by stating a couple of his writing forms such as” poetry, fiction, academic article, essay, newspaper” the person sitting at the table writing these things are the same person so each work that gets published or written have a connection. In this point i see the connection he is talking about because when we read a persons work we aren’t the person who wrote it but we still can make a connection from the piece of work they are writing about it might not be a connection to their whole story but we can connect to pieces of the story as Donald M. Murray showed us in his essay. In the text Donald M. Murray stated “Did i have another wife than Minnie Mae? Yes. Was her name Claire? No.” Donald M. Murray stated thus because he shows us that not everything in the writing needs to be full connected to the reader who is reading it but it can always relate back to them in the smallest ways.

As we get deeper into his writing he makes a very good point we use writing to show who we truly are and i can relate in that statement because when i cant talk find a way to communicate a feeling or situation the best way is to let it out on a piece of paper and let yourself be who you want people to see you as and have them read about you. Especially our points of view like Donald M. Murray said we shape our writing a point of view of how we see the world through our eyes. Donald M. Murray main point was to show every reader who read this essay that no matter any writing you write or any one writes it will always have a connection to your life in some way so let your life tell your story.

1 Comment

  1. Rebekah Coleman

    Elijah, I love how you first look at Murray’s argument and analyze whether you agree or disagree with it. You do a good job of presenting evidence from the text to support your thinking. I really love how you then proceed to make the connection to your own writing! We are going to talk a lot about how authors, like Murray, can help us as writers! I would love it if you could share more about how you personally connected with Murray as a writer!

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