
After reading a little bit of the story I notice the main character Clare is a little threaten by Irene. Irene is her old friend and know s of her black roots, so Clare feels that Irene will expose her to her husband. it will mess up her whole life, I think that Clare will do anything in her power to get rid of that threat any way possible. I don’t know how she’s going to get rid of her but I have a feeling that this story will turn into something more interesting than a woman meeting up with an old friend.

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reading journal for passing .

Well, unfortuantely i have been having trouble finding the book in the Public Library  , but when we had the class discussion on the first chapter of the book and the encounter i was excited to actually get to get started reading and find out more on the characters.What  i thought was most interesting was how we are going to read another story where there is a women playing a  major role in the book. The vocabulary words were a bit unfamiliar and hard for me but i guess im just going to have to get started and look those words up.

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Passing the first chapter.

AH HA I GET IT…. nevermind

Well! The first chapter of this book caught my attention in a rather interesting way. It raised a great amount of questions that I feel like my mission is now to solve. the main one for me being what is Clair and Irene’ relationship? it gives me just enough to think about it but not enough to properly deduce something. I’m curious about Clairs status, and state of mind. She can afford nice paper, envelopes, and ink, but evidently her handwriting is hardly legible to Irene witch honestly says something about someone. Considering the letter is important to Clair why would she not take the time to at least wright decently, or use money for some kind of typewriter. Im sure i will find my answers to these and more but we can only wait and hope to not fall asleep on the book!

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Passing: “Encounter”

This is what we know from reading Chapter 1 in “Encounter.”

words we defined

The Setting

Irene is in New York City–she lives here
Clare is also in NYC–she is visiting
Irene is opening morning letters
Clare and Irene grew up together

Alcoholic father
Possibly abusive
Dies in a fight
Described as selfish, cold
One year younger than Irene
Can be affectionate
Insecure–she wants to come back to Irene–wants to return to a comfort zone
Didn’t like old life, dissatisfied in new
Risk taker
Doesn’t care about putting other in harm’s way

Envious of Clare?
Third person narrator
Focalized through Irene

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Of mice and men reaction.

For the first time I found myself glued to this book, honestly I did have to force myself to finish it but that was because of the influx of resident evil 6, DOA5, and Tekken tag 2. honestly I was prioritizing but focusing while those games tease me is killer. anyway.

This book played like a movie in my mind very vividly. I have been on a farm before and the setting seemed to fit it perfectly so placing the characters and watching everything happen was a very nice and rather dramatic experience. I feel like I can connect with george in a way because I have had to care for a mentally handicapped individual in my life and i still do at some points. It is not easy and is rather depressing especially knowing they arent fully in your control  Lennie even at times will go against what George tells him to do, not compleatly intentional but something that still happens. It does not suprise me that Lennie is the cause of all this drama, and Georges suffering. but even with all this the ending made me gasp when I read it, but at the same time i had trouble trying to truly blame George and still he did not seem like the bad guy in the end at all.

Overall a very good experience in the life of dust bowl travelers just trying to make a living. A real good insite as to what life may have been like back then.

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Death of a …Nella Larsen?

On Thursday I found myself in the library scanning the PS 2552 shelf looking for Nella Larsen’s Passing. I planned to read it over the coming weekend but unfortunately someone beat me to it. Just as I turned to leave I spotted Death of a Salesman and decided why not I might as well READ something. My mind has been blown – this book is total awesomeness in two acts and a requiem! The sad part is now I’ve found Nella Larsen’s Passing at the BPL (Brooklyn Public Library) and as I sit here reading “It was the last letter…” I want to shoot myself. I feel as though I had a great appetizer of stuffed mushrooms with Arthur Miller and now the Passing is a main course of liver and onions. *SIGH* Its going to be a long long read.

Chapter one of Nella Larsen’s Passing seems so very strange and disembodied, it has drawn some attention with the presentation of a rift between Clare and Irene but …I suppose I’ll have to get past all this description of Clare and hopefully it will become engaging. …HOPEFULLY!

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Response to Of Mice and Men

“OF Mice and Men” was a pretty good novel. I never read this book so it was interesting to see how the book would turn out. The only thing that I didn’t like about this book was the portrayal. woman were seen as troublemakers who bring ruin to men and drive them crazy. for example curly’s wife. As a female, any book that portray’s woman like this catches my attention more, i don’t know why. maybe because there’s a reason as to why they act like that, but overall it was a good book. the ending was sad and at some levels i understand George for acting the way he did. Lennie was his best friend and because of his love towards him, ending his life would save him from an harm that curly and the mob would do. On the other hand still, that was his best friend…. why George why?

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End Of Mice and Men

I read this book before in High School and loved it but after so long i had forgotten what happens at the end so reading it again made me relive the first time i read it remembering as i went along even after reading it a second time i still loved it but i feel bad for Lennie at the end because everything he does he does with good intentions it just ends up getting him in trouble all the time till George has to put him down.

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Essay 1 Feedback Sheet

I’ll give each of you a hard copy in class on Monday, but if you need another, you can get it here.

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Reading Journal (Response to the end Of Mice and Men).

I love this book! i had read it once a very long time ago but i didnt really pay attention to a lot of details as i did this time. I read it the book in a matter of two days because i was so  into it . I really didn’t like the way  that George would talk to lennie especially referring to him as a “Bastard” because lennie had the mentality of a child he didn’t know better and was sort of innocent. In the conclusion of the story i was heartbroken after Georges action even though  i  peffered him to have saved lennie from the misery of being lynched by curley. I also watched the movie right after i finished the book it was great as well .

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