
I absolutely enjoyed reading this book.It was definitely different than passing and Of Mice and Men i love the language of the text  and how surreal the scenes were to real life scenarios . It caught my attention right after chicken little death. I’m not much of a reader but i did enjoy this novel the most.

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This book was more interesting than the passing and mice of men  I believe that I feel that way about this book because of all the death going on made me into the book to see what would happen next. I dont understand why Eva didnt just seek for help for Plum instead of killing him? I think that this book was worth the time reading it.

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Out of all of the novels we’ve read this semester, Sula is probably my favorite. I enjoyed the story and the dialogue is a lot easier to follow vs. Passing. 

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I enjoyed this book a lot more then i enjoyed the Passing and Of Mice and Men. I liked the style of writing of Morrison. This book was not boring at all. Maybe i liked the suspense in each death and how they died. For examples Plum’s death, who would have thought Eva would burn her own child? Not me. The only death that didn’t surprise me was Sula’s death. I was wondering how her death would be but i was kind of disappointed in the peaceful death she had, unlike most of the other characters they had painful deaths. What i didn’t like was how Nel realized after visiting Eva that she missed Sula more then she missed her husband. I don’t understand how Sula’s betrayal wouldn’t affect Nel’s affections towards her.

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An observation on the ending. After Nel had left Sula’s funeral and realized that the feelings were still there, just dormant. It was rather expected that although they were separated, they were still the same friends they were before, only a certain things have gotten in the way. When Sula in essence took away Jude from Nel, it appeared as if Sula just didn’t care. The reason she gave though is that she didn’t think that sleeping with Jude was enough to break their bond. Although she was right, Nel didn’t accept it at first and was angry until of course Sula dies and Nel finally figured out that their friendship was what she was missing all along.

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Thoughts on Sula

I hate to admit it but I rather enjoyed this story.  It was much more interesting then “The Passing” I felt.  It was also way better then the last Toni Morrison book I read, “The Bluest Eyes”.  Shadracks a cool character and I really like how the story started from his perspective and ended with his perspective, and showed how he wasn’t “as crazy” as previously thought.  There’s this obvious correlation between Sula and the town and how she acts the way shes acts, but I don’t exactly know how to explain it clearly, maybe I’ll save that for my essay.

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Paper 3 Brainstorming

Compare contrast Irene and Clare’s friendship with Nel and Sula’s.

Compare contrast the George’s role in Lennie’s death and Eva’s role in Plum’s death.

Discuss the ways that mothers interact with and express their feelings towards their children in Sula. You may consider actions they take that their children do not understand or are unaware of. You may compare this to maternal behaviors in Passing if you like.

Of Mice and Men, Passing, and Sula make significant use of death in their narratives. Why do the deaths of Lennie, Clare, and Sula serve as “solutions” to problems that other characters have? What does this say about the cultures and settings of the novels.

Discuss the impact of two minor characters in Sula. You may and compare and contrast with minor characters from Of Mice and Men and/or Passing. What influence to these periphery characters have on the major characters and plot development.

Nel and Sula are considered “doppelgangers”: narrative doubles. Consider the idea of who is “good” and who is “bad.” What does Morrison show through their bond and their differences? You may also discuss Clare and Irene as doppelgangers.

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It is very believable that Sula became like her mother, a woman who likes to sleep around with other men. What did surprise me though was that she slept with Nel’s husband. I would have imagined that her friendship with her was a lot stronger then her sexual desires and fantasies. What could be going on through her mind that she wouldn’t realize that her friendship means more to her then men. Whatever pain she might be going through for losing a friend, she deserves. I feel like the birds symbolize the different deaths that involved Sula in her life. And when her grandmother said “I might have know them bird meant something…”(91)

Nel on the other hand is very hurt by this event. She is not so much hurt for having her husband be unfaithful as much as not having someone close to her, like Sula, to have to talk to about the situation. Although she lost both her husband and her “dear old friend” she wants to survive for her kids. I was not surprised Jude was unfaithful, there was something in me that said he would be. Who knows if he did it once maybe he had done it before in the past but with different woman, of course.

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At first the book is all over the place because it goes from character to character explaining their backgrounds but after you continue reading it gets interesting. There are so many deaths in the book some have a foreshadowing element it kinda makes me wonder if either Nel or Sula will die too.

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I still dont understand when Shadrack say “Always”. i thought it meant like Sula “Always” doing something wrong. I also thought he said that because he “Always” witness someone death. he probably said it to her to make her feel more completable in the situation.My last thought he just crazy and saying random stuff.

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