My Introduction! [Galvis]

Hello everyone! My name is Galvis J. Sanchez and this will be my last school year at City Tech. I switched my major three times due to different paths I set out for myself (including doing a semester of Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps) but in the end, I chose to pursue a career in science; more specifically Physics. City Tech doesn’t have a Physics major so I’m majoring in Liberal Arts & Science, and then continuing at another college after I get my associate’s degree. On my free time I like to play my bass guitar, play video games, watch anime, hang out with my closest high school friends, and read about various things, some of which include alternative media, gaming and technology news, scientific breakthrough’s, comics and much more. I really dislike living in New York City because I LOVE open places, and being able to actually see trees instead of concrete. I was also born and raised in NYC so that might contribute to my loathing. I don’t really pay attention to many T.V. shows, sports, or mainstream music. I listen to a lot of different, older type music from the Baroque to Romantic Era, to old blues, Jazz, Rock and Roll, old school/underground hip hop, and electronica. Thanks for reading and let’s have a great semester! 🙂

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Agata’s introduction

Hello my name is Agata. I have graduated with an Associate Degree in Travel and Tourism at LaGuardia Community College. Currently, I am continuing my education in the bachelors program of Hospitality and Management and hoping to finish successfully in June next year. I find this filed to be an extension of my interests. I always considered myself as curies person who progressed into love to travel and meeting new people. Influential events that shape my path is the fact that I was born in the United States; however have been raised in Poland. Nevertheless, I had always had a constant connection to this land and other along the way.  This is a short essence of my background that I find quite adventures and rich. Additionally, I find that the eagerness to explore is a part of human nature. Nonetheless, the interaction that we make with each other, and diverse cultures, their literature, food, music, art, nature ect, we not only attain to know and understand other people but we may find the inner truth about ourselves.

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Karmen’s Introduction

Hi everyone, my name is Karmen Yu.  I am an applied math major with a concentration of science.  My interest is to teach.  I been wanting to become a math teacher, hopefully a college math professor.  This is will be my last semester here in City Tech (haha, though some people might think I don’t look like I am finishing up), then I am hoping to move on with my education and step one step closer to my goal.

In the year of 2002 I came to the US along with my mother and brother.  New York was a new home for me and English was a new lauguage to me.  In this new land, I been trying to open up my eyes and mind to learn and be a happier person.  I am hoping towards the end of this semester, my experience in this class will give me a push for my reading and writing skills and habit.  I have a feeling that this class will provide me with wonderful reading and writing experience, and open up a new page for improvement.  I am looking forward to spend the rest of this fresh semester with you all.  Let’s all work hard together!

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Wife of Bath’s

HOLY MOLEY! I forgot how long her prologue was. Now I know why I never was interested in the Canterbury Tales. My senior year of high school I had to read everyone’s prolouges and it was so boring that i eventually fall alseep. I dont really understand it as much so hopefully in class we can get to disscuss it

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Kiara’s Introduction

Hi everyone my name is Kiara Guzman. I am majoring in hospitalily and I am looking forward to meet and get to know my fellow classmates, the class so far seems fun and sociable everyone interacts very well with eachother. I am a person who loves to hang out and party and dance, I am very friendly and opened minded with others you won’t regret to get to know me. 🙂

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Claribel ‘s introduction

Hello everyone 🙂 ! My name is Claribel Gutierrez and i am a student  at City Tech with the interest to major in Hospitality Management.I am a very outgoing and happy person always working hard and striving for success i absolutely love home interior designing’s, the color yellow , dancing and being with my family .I dont read much but this class seems to be very interesting i hope to get to meet each and everyone of you and may we have a fun and sucessful upcoming semester. 

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Nusrat’s introduction

Hello everyone, my name is Nusrat and this is my 3rd semester in City Tech. I am a sophomore and currently my major is LAS. In future I plan to do nursing. Reading is something I like doing during my free time, most likely if the book interests me. I look forward in enjoying this class with you guys.

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Alex’s Introduction

Hello everyone, My name is Alex Eagan and this is my 2nd year at city tech. I am majoring in Computer Science. I choose to major in it because ive always had a huge interest in computers. I believe computers are the future and this is the perfect major for me. I love city tech so far, its very obvious I do because I live all the way in New Jersey and i travel 2 hours everyday just to get to city tech because theres no other school like it! I hope to learn alot in this class and hopefully I can further my interest in reading and writing.

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Adam’s Introduction

Hello everyone, my name is Adam. I’m a Graphic Design major here at City Tech, but will eventually end up an Animator once my school career is over. I’m also very interested in Filmmaking and I’d like to do that just as an amateur rather than get a degree. This so far is my 3rd year, and closer to getting my Bachelors. In my spare time I draw, usually futuristic style, and also cartoon style, recently been getting into portraits. I play sports, basketball in the summer and football in the winter. I read from time to time whether it be novels or a specific topic that I’m interested in. I play video games too here and there if it’s a series that I’m familiar with. I’ve always liked English classes, because I know I always write a lot, I always have something to say and I like applying that. Thank you for reading.

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Adriana’s Introduction

Hello class! My name is Adriana and I am currently in my second year here at City Tech. My major is Hospitality Management and I’m leaning more towards the management side of this industry rather than becoming a chef. I love to play sports, mainly tennis, soccer, basketball, volleyball and swimming, but I’m very open minded when it comes to playing other sports. I also enjoy reading but for fun, not so much so I can analyze the text and go deeper into discussion about it. I’m hoping that this class will encourage me to keep an open mind in discussing further about the texts we will be reading in class.

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