Response to Desiree’s Baby

Overall the story was very good. The start was slow, but necessary as it laid the groundwork of Desiree and her husband, Armand.  It wasn’t completely dramatic but there was tension in the middle of the story, and the wording kept a “little” mystery around why Armand was so upset, although it wasn’t hard to figure it out.  The twist at the end was great, also a great cliffhanger to the reading it self, because now I’ve become really intrigued in the story.

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Desiree’s baby

Wow…’s funny how this short story can still be used till today. I was confused while reading it and had to read it again to understand itI river all I enjoyed reading it

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Slap in the FACE!

I thoroughly enjoyed the short story as it kept me in suspense! I had anticipated some sordid tale of Armand fathering children all over the estate and driving Desiree to madness (Usually how these stories go) but instead I was slapped in the face by the ending! I had not seen that coming at all. It makes me think about being quick to pass judgement and condemnation on others as well as being a bigot. (Although at the time he didn’t know – I somehow think this new information will not change him. I doubt he will ever accept this about himself.) Total cosmic irony!

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Reaction to Desiree’s Baby by Chopin

The story was quite intriguing. Even though the story had no suspense, it still managed to pull off an unexpected ending with a twist. I wonder if Desiree would go back to her husband if he “allowed” her back or would Armand’s pride force him to avoid her.


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sweet, sweet relief

Now this is more like it: easy
to follow plot, delightful twist in
an otherwise somber story and a
happy ending (which I’m fond of).

I’ve never read anything by Kate
Chopin before but now, having had
sampled her pacing and style, I’d
be lying if I said I’m not tempted
to read more…

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Elan’s Introduction

Hi, My name is Elan (:
This is my second year at City Tech and I decided to major in Nursing. I previously was an Electromechanical Engineering major, but I realized that wasn’t made for me. I’m looking forward to this semester, especially since we are reading books that I’m already familiar with. I’m hoping to receive a new perspective about these books after rereading them again.

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Lisseth’s Introduction

Hello there, my name is Lisseth Rubio. This is my 3rd year in City Tech. I am currently studing in the Hospitality Managment department. I would like to major in the Hotels and Resort and would also like to take some tourism classes. I would love to travel and in this indursty there is a high possibility that i will be  traveling to different parts of the world. Who knows maybe ill be working in exotic resorts or hotels.

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Ryan’s Introduction

Hello, My name is Ryan Samaroo and I am a student at City Tech. My major at City Tech is advertising design. I decided to choose this major because in high school me and a tech team used to help out to maintain the high school site. My interest is in technology and web design so I’m hoping this will be the push to start of my career.

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Steven’s Introduction.

Greetings! My name is Steven Ng and this is my fifth semester in City Tech.  I’m currently majoring in Hospitality Management and plan to be part of the business aspect of said major due to the fact that I dislike being in the kitchen. I somewhat like to write FanFictions during my free time because of the anime and shows that inspire me to do so. The only problem I usually find myself facing most of the time is generating lots of ideas for said story or simply, getting writer’s block. Soup and eating Pocky kind of helps in the process, but when I feel like my head wants to explode due to the overwhelming surge of ideas, I would take a break by playing my favorite free-to-play video game, World of Tanks.  I don’t know why, but I find that game addicting because of the tank combat it offers. If only I knew how to draw and program properly….How I wished I was in a “Game” major instead. xD

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Domingo’s Introduction

Hello My name is Domingo and My major is Computer systems, I like meeting new people, so far the class seems great everyone interacts with each other, they seem friendly and interesting. I hope the class continues to go the way its going so far and to meet new people.

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