Introduction Mohi Uddin

Hi, my name is Mohi Uddin. I was born in Brooklyn but I currently live in the Bronx. I am a Sophomore in City Tech. I’m a CST major. I selected this class not because it’s a requirement but also to improve my writing skills. I’m not working at the moment but I am in the process of getting an internship.

One thing that people wouldnā€™t necessarily know just by ā€œmeetingā€ me on Zoom is, I love playing basketball. It’s my favorite thing to do on my free time.

I chose this image because basketball means a lot to me. Basketball changed my life. It taught me important life skills such as discipline, being organized, teamwork etc.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Basketball’s a wonderful game. Much harder — and way more physical — than people might think. I pretty much stunk at it ;-). But it, as some of the people who are stars, can be important role models. Thanks for sharing the picture.

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