I would say I have achieved most of my goals this semester because I was able to keep up with my homework and I didn’t hold it to the last minute as much as I used to. One goal that was different was that I wanted to make sure my major fit what I wanted to do and that I wouldn’t forced myself to stay in one because if I’m struggling staying in that major will do nothing for me in the long run. A surprise I found along the way was that the major I chose was just not working for me and that I am going to change it and find something that fits me even if I have to switch multiple times I wont force myself to do something if I don’t like it. My goals besides the new ones were pretty small I don’t like to put such a big goal over me because then it ends up being something I have to worry about a lot and that not how I like to do things living more simply and taking things slow are how I role and lets me adjust when I need to cause I have plenty of time to do so. To do better on my final portfolio I need to spend more time looking it over and reading it so that I can find all the spelling. I also want to find a way to make it more interesting to read so who ever reads it is not bored and finds what I have to say interesting and fascinating.
ENG 1101 is about you getting more comfortable with your own process. You’ll look at tools and ideas about how language is used to communicate and persuade and even exclude. And you’ll be introduced to concepts like transfer, genre, and metacognition.
ANDΒ as part of the Write Out Loud! Learning Community, you’ll also be writing your own TEDTalk that you’ll present in COMM1330
I’m Jackie Blain, and you can find me on our Slack workspace or via email DBlain@citytech.cuny.edu.
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