One of my first experiences with technology was when I used play video games. Around 2006 or 2007, I remember when we got a new desktop computer, I saw my brother playing games that looked entertaining to me and I wanted to play too. Once I got to play on the computer, one of the first game I remember playing was Need for Speed, racing cars game, but I got addicted to playing games once I realized, I can play online and even download free games, which i would spend hours on, me and my bother even fight to see who plays first and later. There were consequences where our parents would ground us and we weren’t allowed to play games or use the computer for day or two.  But, that wouldn’t stop me for playing still, I would always find a way to play.

For my major, I have always wanted to major in related STEM, and I chose upon the major in CST. I was always into technology once I got the experience, it made my life more fun and there was so much more I wanted to explore. Growing up seeing technology entrepreneurs bring new innovative techs into the world made me even more passionate about going into STEM. Although, I am only doing one major right now, I plan to do double major soon. My goal is to be able to build my own techs, doing experiments and making new innovative techs and discoveries through my explorations in the tech world.