Practice 1

When in high school and task with providing helpful feedback to my peer and felt that my advice had no real impact on their writing. Even when I received feedback I got the same response and most comments were extremely barebones.  I personally considered myself a decent writer at best but I didn’t that was enough  to give meaningful feedback. After reading this article and realized that your writing skills don’t directly impact your feedback skills. The first mistake many students make is giving very basic input. Our peers should go depth why they liked something or why they think their suggested change will improve a classmates’ paper. The author give praise to Lili’s arrangement  of sentence and precise word choice. These details help Lili notice what she is doing right. Praise that is not pandering can provide passion for a student to improve their writing in the future. When giving feedback it is also helpful to pose questions to the writer. These questions can create an improvement in the your peer’s work.

Practice 2

Firstly, Nick’s style of working is intense and captivating. I like the way how going through each sentence it creates an sense of atmosphere. The excerpt has the reader ask many questions and also makes them want to know more. I also like the way Nick form a mystery  behind his story.  When you are reading your peer’s papers the content that you are consuming can be concerned as feedback itself. The position of the reader can gain prospective on how to enhance your own work.