"Game On, Python!"


Hi guys. My name is Xuefeng Zheng. You guys can just call me Xuefeng. I am a 18 years old Chinese man. If I choose one word to describe the whole feeling of online cources. I would like to use ” Confused”. Eventhough I already been use zoom for a couple times because we end high school that way. However, this is a brand new challenge to start a college life on line. I think a lot of people have same feeling with me. Everything is new and you don’t know what to do. Feel nervous about what’s going to happen next. I belief it is a good sign, that means everybody take this seriously, so am I. And I’m glad to having you all as my new classmates and friends.

Taking about games, that’s lot of stories. I still remember, the first game I played is GTA: Vice City. I was 6 or 7 years old. My cousin teach me how to play this. Even though it’s on PC. When I touch the keyboard, see the character I control,  see all their movements. That feeling was amazing. I am not a crazy game fan, collecting all the good games. I want, but I can’t. I think maybe because I am born in a Chinese family. My parents think video games is not that important as educations, schools. They are true. What they don’t know is, nobody can stop me explored a new world and having fun with it. When I grow up and play more games, Devil May Cry, Assassin’s creed, LOL, Apex, Dark Soul, TLOU( only 1) and so on. I realized games are not as shallow as people think. Studios created more and more new worlds, just like the “god” created us.

My name Xuefeng is a very good name. I asked my dad why he named me “Xuefeng”, and what he tells me is a very cool story. He said in China, there’s a guy ” Feng Lei”. He was a very kind and justice guy. He helped everybody who needs his help. Not so famous, but already get into last generation’s heart. So My dad said, ” I know we were no rich, and we don’t have to be rich, just be nice and you can tell yourself you are a good guy.” Yes, my name Xuefeng is come from the good guy called “Feng Lei”. The ” Xue” in Chinese means “to learn”, “Feng” came from Feng Lei’s first name. My dad give me this name just want me to be a good guy and that’s it. Simple but meaningful. And I am happy that I never let my dad and my name dissapoint.


  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Oh no! GTA! 🙂 It’s amazing what lures us into gaming, and then that leads us to other games that have some real impact. I’ll bet you’re not the only GTA-er out there.

    Your name story is fascinating. And I have no idea how to pronounce it :-(. Can you leave a phonetic pronunciation? Like (and I’m going to get this wrong, so you and all the other students who see this please don’t laugh too hard) shoo-ay? I am so embarrassed! Anyway, lovely stories!

    • Xuefeng Zheng

      Yeah, I played a lot of games now. I am not just play games, I curious how they were make, what they tell us. What does this game or chapter means. For video games, you not just play it, you also need to “read” it.

      About how to pronounce my names. “Xuefeng”, It sounds like “should” without “D” sound and add a ” fan”. Like “Xuefeng” – “Shoul fan”.

  2. Shon Mack Jr

    Ahh yes a man of culture. Not to add color or anything or seem racist, but all my brothers or even sisters understand how nice that Vice City GTA was/ still is. A real Classic tbh. I know that you’re not able to necessarily collect games, but Call of Duty, Assassins Creed, The Last of Us (Even though Part 2 was ok) Batman (Honestly, the whole series was fire) and the Spiderman game on PS4 would be some great titles. Just stay away from Fortnite please. Also, the story behind your name is actually pretty cool bro and its different from the kind of names I would hear just walking down the street in a Brooklyn Neighborhood. So go thank your parents for actually putting thought into it. Enjoy ya day

  3. Giancarlo Forero

    Your names really cool. Maby its just me, but when your name has some kind of meaning behind it I feel like that’s a huge flex.

  4. Giancarlo Forero

    Your names really cool. Maby its just me, but when your name has some kind of meaning behind it I feel like that’s a huge flex.

  5. Ria Arora

    I feel confused too, yet hope all of this ends soon so that we can have a better understanding of whats going around!! My brother introduced me to this game, I really enjoyed playing it too!

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