"Game On, Python!"

Intro 1

Hi, My name is  Luidjy Damus  I am an 18 year old African american. The one word i can honestly use to describe how i’m feeling about starting this new course online is “nervous”, even though it’s been 6 months i’m still having problems adjusting to this covid landscape. I’m mostly worried about me scrolling through Youtube or Facebook or my Wifi lagging cutting out while being in the middle of class. I was never the best online student, in my online classes a few months ago i just goofed around during most of them.


I’m obsessed with playing games. Games make up a majority of my childhood and they have a huge place place in my life. Playing games to me is an escape from anything bad, like if i come home stressed or had a shitty day i just hop on Apex and start releasing some of that pent up stress or anger. One of my favorite video games to this is Infamous: Second Son, to me it’s a classic its one of those games where no when matter where you leave off it’s always satisfying when you come back.

For the most part i’m fine with my name, anytime i asked my mom about my name she always said that it’s a combination of her and my dad’s first name but i never saw how that was possible. Growing up with a name like Luidjy(pronounced Luigi) there was always a majority of those teachers that kept mispronouncing either by adding extra letters that weren’t even there or making it more complicated then it needed to be when pronouncing it, but after finding out how to properly say it there came classmates who would try to  clown me for me name and try to compare to the video game character (elementary schoolers are monsters) so i’d usually end up in timeout and get my house called for fighting them.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Grrr… other kids can be so thoughtless. I hope college treats you better. I think it’s a lovely name and thank you for telling me how to pronounce it.

    You are also going to find lots and lots of gamers in this class, not surprising since it’s a Learning Community for CST majors. Check out people who like the same games and give them a shout. And yes, games are great for relaxing!

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