It has been stated time and time again that the way that we’ve been educated is wrong, that we are only taught to memorize text instead of learning to understand them. That we need to think outside the box on certain issues to get a better understanding of things. But Carillo saying “Still, the “damage” was done.” has never been more correct than with my me. The number of times that I shuddered when my teacher gave the class an open-ended assignment instead of a point A and B have been one time too many. Couse, I know that I’m going to have a lass minute bout of inspiration to help me complete this essay or what have you and in all honesty, I hate having to wait until the deadline to light a fire within me, even if what I turn in gets a good score it very aggravating. For a good majority of my education, my exams have been very formulaic and that is what I’ve been taught for, what I studied for, what I memorized for so when you tell me that I have to be more creative with my work I’m sorry but my creativity has run out a very long time ago. Being more creative and having a better understanding of things is very important in this day and age since it advanced humanity forward to a better and brighter future instead of a more stagnant one. It’s like your perception of the world revolves around what’s inside of a light bulb and not noticing the planet that you are on, it’s simply so limiting.
I’ve never been one to use complex dialogue, but this had especially been the case during the beginning of quarantine. During that time there had been no zoom, only recordings, and text-based assignments so I guess that you can say that I’d been out of practice at talking to my teachers and trying to make them see my point from a more literate point of view. Now fast forward to senior year, zooms have been implemented and now I’ve got to talk to my teachers’ screen to screen. My English teacher was having us comment on a paragraph in class, asking us what we thought about it and such and I’ll admit I wasn’t paying that much attention so when he got to I sorta froze for a second before coming up with something on the fly, something articulate and something that I thought that he would like so that he’d move on to the next person. It just so happened that my mom came in and heard what I was saying, after muting my mic she said: “I have never heard you speak like that, it was good BB”. Smiling I lean back into my chair said ” I have no idea what I just said”. The lines “The intersection of memory upon imagination” and “There is an aspect of my fiction that relates to thus-and-thus” are pinpoint the exact phrase that I would say to my teachers, it doesn’t talk like this but I feel that my KISS manner of speech won’t satisfy them and they would like something “better” then what I previously provided.
What a great story! That would make the beginnings of a terrific Education Narrative. It also made me laugh so hard :-D. I have to admit, I’m a last-minute kind of writer myself, and for the reason you mention — it’s those sudden panicked moments of inspiration that create the best writing (at least, I think so but don’t tell anybody!).
By the way, great analogy to the light bulb. I may steal that one ;-).