One word to describe how I am feeling about this course is, nervous. What makes me nervous about this course is, it requires using a lot go different sites which can be a little overwhelming to keep track of where assignments should be uploaded. My concerns are not being able to use sites such as open lab, slack and perusall correctly, since this is all very new to me. Also, being able to complete work successfully on these sites worries me because I am not used to completing all my work online.
My major for now is undecided due to the fact that I have not yet gotten into City Tech’s nursing program, hopefully I will be by next year which is what I am aiming for.

This is a picture of myself which to me means that I will succeed in my career if I put in the hard work. It is up to me to take school seriously and put work second, and hopefully hard work will pay off. My name was unexpected because my parents thought I was going to be a boy and when I they found out I wasn’t, they called my aunt who have me my name. At first I didn’t really like my name, but over the years I started to get used to it.
Hey Cynthia, just wanted to let you know i feel where you are coming from because i was having trouble aswell accessing open lab, slack and perusall. But i finally managed to get into them and after playing around with them for a little i got accustomed to it. Good luck!!
Hey Gurl, I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who feels this way about the new ways of online learning. But don’t worry though. When confused with work or accessing open lab, slack, and /or Personal you got us and the teacher to help you out so ask away and we shall be there to help you. 🙂
yes i get where u coming from remote learning can get very overwhelming especially because every little thing can be a distraction but we got this!.
So much support! Honestly, once you get the hang of these things, it will be like “I never had any problems, what are you talking about?” 😀 AND… I’m sure you’ve seen the other nursing students in the class; it’s always good to find people with similar ambitions and interests, especially in this weird online environment.