Sound of Cyborg Organs


We come across robots, androids, and cyborgs in the realm of Science Fiction. But not much is said on their organs. These cyborgs replicate humans as it is a hybrid of both the mechanical and organic. So their organs must have a similar sound to a regular human organ. In this paper I explore the elements or certain cyborg organs and what they would sound like in real life. The idea is not far beyond reality as there prosthesis organs that have a particular sound to them that makes them different from regular human organs. Using medical journals and articles and information from Science Fiction sources I make an analysis to create a sound design for what Cyborg Organs sound like.

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Class Notes 5/7/15

I took over on notes instead of Zac.

A reminder that the project presentations start this Thursday 5/14 with the presenters going, but not in order, as the following:

  • Leo
  • Donovan
  • Aaron
  • Jonathan
  • John
  • Danny
  • Zac

Word of the day- Quorum: the minimum number of members of an assembly or society that must be present at any of its meetings to make the proceedings of that meeting valid.

There was a majority of the class that were interested in going to the tour at the vintage Sci-Fi bookstore in DUMBO for 5/14 and based on what Prof. Belli gets in response from the bookstore we will go on that day and maybe even present there as well.

Prof. Belli briefly mentioned the reading assignment that was due, CH. 6 on the Sci-Fi book, and that it could help us on our projects as well.

A discussion on what is considered a valid source for our papers ensued. Remember that the paper needs a minimum of 5 secondary sources and a work cited page in MLA format, as well as the final slide in your presentation.

Then the discussion of what should be cited came about. If you are using an idea that’s not directly yours needs to be cited.

An optional addition to your papers was offered, A Works Consulted Page may be added, asides from the Work Cited. A Works Consulted Page is whatever sources that helped you on your way to your actual research.

  • We discussed on what is considered a reputable source:
  • A source that has been proven
  • Good Reputation
  • Credible

Where a source comes from adds to its reputation

Ask yourself to determine a valid source:

  • Who’s the author?
  • Publication venue, what and where?
  • What is the bias on a source, every source has one and needs to be considered
  • Contextualize the source, help the reader understand where the source is coming from
  • Understand the bias behind the source
  • Publication Date?
  • Purpose?
  • Is your source current?

Wikipedia is a good starting point but don’t ever cite it

Some good resources on Sci-Fi:

  • Science Fiction Studies
  • Extrapolation

Difference between Primary Source and Secondary is that Primary is the original source and Secondary are sources written about the original

Another optional addition to your papers is an Annotated Bibliography. Summarizes each source on Work Cited Page and helps to know where in your papers that information would go.

If you have gone to see a research librarian you can add that experience in your cover letter.

Make sure your city tech id is registered at the library in order to use the library’s catalog online off-campus.

Also Stay tuned on Sci-fi Bookstore tour for 5/14.


Proposal, Project #2: What does it sound like to not be human?

I propose for my project to create a collage/composition of sounds, whether using pre-made sounds or creating my own, to represent what the “organs” of an android or cybernetic human would sound like to us. It will be no more than 1 minute long, in the interest that I will be presenting this in class and would not want to take up too much time. I will be using my expertise from what I have learned in my major, Entertainment Technology, to create this collage/composition. This is to explore a topic from our class on what it means to be human, the conflict of authenticity. In general, this will be a sound design of the innards of an android.

Sound design begins with research and analysis. I will be taking a specific excerpt from Philip K. Dick’s: “Do Androids Dream Of Electric sheep”, and I will pick something that expresses what the innards of an android sounds like and analyze it in order to get an idea of a sound that I will be creating. I will also be researching articles on the school’s catalog and other sources for prosthesis, human augmentation, and A.I. to understands how the mechanics work, to get an idea of what it would sound like. Also a very important part of sound design is visual analysis, which is to search pictures that relate to the topic in order to help imagine what your sound design concept will be like.

With all the research I can find for my project I will then look for sounds online on and search for specific items to represent what I want for my project. If I can’t find exactly what I want I will also create it on a DAW, Digital Audio Workspace, or simply a software to create sounds. In it I will use certain instruments but especially synthesizers. A synthesizer is just like an android, the android imitates life and a synthesizer imitates other instruments. The point is to make the sounds very industrial and inorganic.



No coffee in the future? (First World Problems)

When I commented on a post on a different section, I mentioned a comparison to someone’s analysis of urban planing in the future world of the story and the MoMa exhibit we saw a while back. How planning for overpopulation was, at the time, irrelevant to our class but now there’s more of a connection to Sci Fi and the exhibit that I began to notice again in the book. “Imagine the plantation system, people starving while big fincas owned by foreigners grew for wealthy countries as cash crops a liquid without food value, bad for kidneys, hearts, if drunk in excess” (187). This Utopian future has made sure to not make waste of their resources, planned out rations and methods to sustain a stable future an urban planning, just as I had mentioned in a different section of the book. “To plant beans correctly is important . To smoke fish so it doesn’t rot. To store food in vacuum” (188). This is Bee responding to Dawn’s view on what is more important, Dawn thinks that the past is more important. Bee’s response shows us that food and urban planning is more important in the future for it to continue growing.

I’m still under the assumption that Connie is not an actual time traveler, I feel her “traveling” to the future is a way to cope with her harsh reality that she is living through. “I may not continue to exist if I don’t check back…What good can I do? Who could have less power? I’m a prisoner. A patient. I can’t even carry a book of matches or keep my own money. You picked the wrong savior!” (190). This is Connie just putting herself down after Luciente explains to her why she was picked and chosen to travel to the future. Notice how Connie expresses the helplessness she feels from being in the hospital in her current time period, she uses the word prisoner as to express what she really feels like instead of a patient. But in the future she is free from the reality that she was originally in, she even calls it a vacation from the hospital. “Why are you contacting us? You said I’d understand but I forgot to think about it. It’s kind of a vacation from the hospital” (188). I am also used to the more typical ways of time travel, not traveling with the mind like Connie does, which is another reason why I think this is all just in her head. “How easily it had become to slip over to Mattapoisett. She did not return exhausted. As if her mind had developed muscles, she could easily draw Luciente, she could leap in and out of Luciente’s time” (186). Not a convincing form of time travel for me.

Sucker Punched on the edge of time

Reading through this book so far I have come to realize that this story kind of reminds me of the movie Sucker Punch. A woman sent the mental ward and is going to another time, or as in the movie another dimension. If you have seen the movie you will know what I mean by this, if not then….go watch it. Connie has been through a tough life and hardened by her experiences, yet you can see the cracks in her character. Her “time traveling” seems to me to be a part of her mind’s need for some type of hope. A hope to escape the life she is actually living and to “time travel” to another time where she can forget about her problems but give her an eager hope to continue living. Or maybe she is actually time traveling and shes not crazy at all. Who knows, we’ll see. Hmm, now I’m starting to think about authenticity like the last novel we read. An authenticity of what’s real.

Nukes and Crannies

I love a good dark, deep, and sad story! Lets start with Ray Bradbury’s short story. At a glance, a typical sci-fi setting with technology being part of a daily routine. But look deeper and a haunting message has been laid out before us. I feel this story has something to do with nuclear war and fear of extinction. WHY might I come up with such a theory? Well its 1 am and my brain is just spilling out insane ideas. But lets look at what is given, at the very beginning in the title is given the year 1950, besides the story’s setting of 2026 in the title, which must be the year of publication of Bradbury’s short story (duhh). What is so significant of the year 1950? Well, I’m no history buff but that’s around the time of the Cold War. Cold what, you say? Plain and simple a long stand-off between countries threatening to launch their nuclear bombs. And 5 years before that was the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima. Hmm, how is that relevant to Bradbury’s story? Ok lets dig into the story. First off we know from the beginning that there seems to be no one in this home “The morning house lay empty.” (Bradbury, 1). Not really a twist but wait, we find out that this home is just an empty carcass of an empty city “The house stood alone in a city of rubble and ashes. This was the one house left standing. At night the ruined city gave off a radioactive glow which could be seen for miles.” (Bradbury, 1). And it mentions a radioactive glow, meaning this city has been affected by radiation and the city is in rubble, so it must be from a bomb…a nuclear bomb.

“Here the silhouette in paint of a man mowing a lawn. Here, as in a photograph, a woman bent to pick flowers. Still farther over, their images burned on wood in one titanic instant, a small boy, hands flung into the air; higher up, the image of a thrown ball, and opposite him a girl, hands raised to catch a ball which never came down.” (Bradbury, 1). Wow, that is still on page one and it gave me chills down my spine. Silhoutte body’s burned into the side of the house, most likely a nuclear bomb struck and this family must have just been carrying on their day normally without a care in the world. It seems that this nuclear bombing/disaster happened recently in the story. Going back to when you first see the mentioning of the dog, “A dog whined, shivering, on the front porch.” (Bradbury, 2) and considering the, most likely, nuclear disaster, it seems that this disaster was particularly recent as radiation poisoning, especially in large amounts, can kill the affected fast. And this dog somehow survived the incinerating blast of radiation but still poisoned by its remaining effects. “The dog, once huge and fleshy, but now gone to bone and covered with sores” (Bradbury, 2) obviously decaying from poisoning.

“Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree, if mankind perished utterly; And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn Would scarcely know that we were gone.” (Teasdale) A poem recited on page 3 of Bradbury’s short story, very dark a scary and hindsight to the story. Why was it used in Bradbury’s short story and how does it relate to my theory? Well, first off before the poem even begins in parenthesis says War Time, might not say anything nuclear but like any war in general it will bring destruction an extinction. This poem was originally published by Sara Teasdale in the 1920’s and that was 2 years after WWI so the fear and damage of war was still lingering.

The short animated film was a nice adaptation, completely different of course from the Bradbury story. It also contains evidence of my theory. At 1:26 you see ashes of body’s in the beds, and the fall down when the beds erect so it shows that the disaster happened recently. Which is why I think the machine does not really notice a change in both video and text, though its a robot so it doesn’t matter I guess. Back to 1:22 you see radiation suits hanging on the wall of this couple’s bedroom which supports my theory of fear of nuclear war and extinction because why would a family keep radiation suits laying around, because they were living in constant fear that one day they’ll need it, so they knew this disaster would happen. And not only that but in 7:47 when the machine attacks itself causing the explosion the explosion looks like a mushroom cloud, nukes cause that. And that scene symbolizes that our creations will destroy us.


Sharing is Saving

So I just came back from visiting the Uneven Growth exhibit at MoMa, it was quite interesting. Plain and simple the exhibit shows the over-population of cities and what can be done to redistribute resources to expand in a more efficient way. Like sharing compost and services and living spaces to decrease unnecessary waste. Or how you can expand on empty areas or existing ares to decrease homelessness, instead of one family apartment how about many apartments on top of that apartment. Permanent homes and not temporary living spaces like shelters. I had a similar difficulty with other bloggers in finding the relevance to material we have gone through in class.  I think there is the comparison on how uneven growth and over population will kind of be our own World War Terminus. Which colonizing another planet is not so far-fetched as there is evidence of recent years that NASA has had plans to make mars habitable fire human life. We will be living in our own Blade runner world

Tears in Rain

Well this is my first time watching the movie Blade Runner and I have to say I’ve had my first “The book was better than the movie” moment as I preferred the book over the movie. But I do have to say there was justice done throughout the movie here-and-there. First off, NO MOOD ORGAN or EMPATHY BOX??? Why take that out of play in this story? But I have a feeling there was the reference of some sort of control system of emotions or whatever in the beginning of the movie in 0:07:27 where the lady on the big video wall was demonstrating of the intake of some sort of pill. I feel like that is significance or reference to the pennfield system. In 0:24:26 the guy who is with Rick is making a stick man out of a match, to me that is a symbol to replication of life. When Rick goes to Zhora to test her he imitates someone else’s voice and pretends to be someone else to get to Zhora and corner her. That’s ironic how even in the movie Rick is sort of a hypocrite to being a hunter of the replicants who simulate life and he’s doing the same thing, but he’s considered human. Going back to Zhora, her character is a reference to Luba Luft and instead of being a singer she is a snake performing lady. That whole scene with Zhora reminds me of the chapter in the book when Rick tries to test Luba Luft. In 1:02:28, Leon is attacking Rick and he tells Rick “Painful to live in fear” and that mention of fear comes back in the end of the movie as a lesson to Rick. Poor Isidore…uhh I mean Sebastian, I don’t like that Roy kills him I wanted to see Sebastian’s despair of loosing his only friends the replicants. You get to see more of how the andy’s/replicants use their manipulation in the movie. In the book I saw the andy’s as more fearful and misunderstood and only reacting to survive but in the movie they are seen as more of a threat, that really defeated the image I saw of the Nexus 6’s. I do have to say that the ending of the movie was weird but more enjoyable than the ending of the book.

Hey hun, I bought a goat with some Andy-blood-money….at least its rea

Wow! What a progression in the plot for these chapters. I also had a mind blowing revelation on the symbolism and reference the Author was making this whole time through the story. I mean it has been something in the back of my head when I was reading the book from the beginning but it wasn’t until near the end of chapter 12 that something in my head just clicked on. The Andy’s are a symbolic representation to what slavery in America was like from the 1600’s till late 1800’s. Let me point out where my mind had a “eureka” moment. In chapter 12 on page 143, Rick and Phil Resch talk about being physically attracted to a female Android “…Don’t you know Deckard, that in the colonies they have android mistresses?” and Rick responds by saying its Illegal and Phil tries to justify saying there many variations of sex that are illegal but people will still do it. I made the connection of how slave owners in America would take advantage of their slaves by raping them even though back then other people frown upon having sex with a slave or a person of color, besides the fact that rape is messed up but besides the point. In the world of this novel the Andy’s are described as “servants” to the emigrants of Mars. And then I started to think about what other symbolic references to slavery and racism can be made in the novel. In chapter 14 page 163, the 3 androids are talking to Isidore and Isidore mentions his mistreatment from the regulars “I’m a special; they don’t treat me very well either” that’s when I theorized on the connection of specials/chicken-heads being a symbolic reference to people of color emancipated from slavery, and just how they were still tormented with racism and mistreatment all the regulars in the novel mistreat and judge Isidore and every other special and is seen in the same category as the escaped Androids. Maybe it’s just a wild idea but thats what I started to realize during chapters 6-15.


Don’t shoot! I’m no Andy… i think

I know I’m late with the post but I still want to share what I thought of the first five chapters. First of all the introduction of the book gave me a good understanding of what to expect from Philip K. Dick’s characters. (Page viii) “These characters are often victims, prisoners, manipulated men and women.” Well these characters are victims, victims to the technology, surroundings, and themselves. So much of this can be discovered even on the opening of chapter 1-page 3, where it seems that every human  owns a technology called the mood organ. This mood organ is what makes people feel a certain way just by dialing in a specific number. No longer is mood something a human can naturally experience. They can adjust their mood organ and schedule to be in a certain mood, even dial in a mood to feel in the mood to dial in on their mood organ (refer to page 6, bottom of the page) “I can’t dial a setting that stimulates my cerebral cortex into wanting to dial!”. I can relate the world in this book to our own world in real life, advanced technology that can do almost everything for you…need to find the latest movie out in theaters right now? There’s an app for that, or just ask Siri. Need to arm your home security system but no where near your home, there’s an app for that too. Yea, sure, it’s not as extreme as a mood organ but you get the point. throughout these five chapters there are some themes constantly brought up throughout the story. First, the word empty and all of its variations is constantly brought up in the story. To describe how empty, abandoned, and alienated post World War terminus earth is and all non-emigrant citizens , regulars and specials. I had fun trying to figure out the difference between the regulars and specials. The regulars are made to seem to be better than the specials, having a superior social status when they’re just as flawed and stuck in a dystopian earth living off its remains. Specials like John Isidore face alienation from the rest of humanity, the regulars, feeling the emptiness and abandonment of this post WWT earth he “Wasn’t wanted” (page 21) “They informed him in a countless procession of ways that he, a special, wasn’t wanted. He had no use.” With Rick I find ironic being the bounty Hunter he is of androids, robots, the artificial intelligence that they are…yet we find him owning an artificial sheep. Not only that he searches for a new animal but ends up thinking of settling for another ersatz sheep (Page 34 paragraph 3). All these artificial things even ersatz substitutes of food (page 26) and the artificial eyelashes he sees on Racheal Rosen mentioned in the top of page 40 . I feel there is some deep secrets within the Rosen Association connecting them with the 8 rogue nexus 6 androids. Why else go else go to such lengths to basically trick Rick into falsely accusing Racheal of being an android and then trying to blackmail him, even though she actually is an android.