
Reading the new chapters of seventeen to twenty-six we see a new side of D-503 where he is slowly realizing his own emotions for I-330. He is shown to even be unable to control his emotions and slowly let jealousy get to him so much that it shocked him self where he is shown to attack R (Zamayatin pg 144). This really was a shocker for me because up till now he is show to be calm to his emotions where the idea of “we” is more important then the individual. As much as I know he was in love with I-330 it really never occurred to me that he would actually attack him I though he would just walk away or just keep it to himself of how he felt cause we slowly started seeing the distance between the two of them.

We really are able to see how his writing is turning more into his private journal where he is confessing his actual feelings fir like how much he realizes that he loves her he’s given up the relation he has with O-90 and telling every daily detail of his day over talking about One State as a society. Though at the same time you can see the conflict he has over his emotion because he is constantly talking about the benefactor. He is questioning his values as whether loving I-330 is even driving him crazy. Then you also see him talking about the concept of soul which I would say is the debate of his emotions coming through him. She made him realize that she was no longer just a number to him but actually an individual which went against everything he believed in as the individual is look down upon in a society which “we” is the concept and everybody belonged to everyone else which is also why they have that coupon system setup.

My though on these few chapters were they were very confusing such as when he was going through the apartments and the green wall in entry seventeen. It felts as if he was talking about one thing then he jumped to another. Though I would say that the story line is getting better because he is starting to turn more human with his new developed emotions compared to when he just kept talking about One State and his math and geometry logic for comparison to everything else which did get annoying to me. To me it feels as of his world is shattering as he goes through these debates because he is really lost of what he really should believe in ” he is shown to as the question himself of many things in entry twenty-five of “But then who are ‘they’? and who am I? ‘they’, ‘we'” (Zamayatin pg 145-146). You could tell his values are changes and even his priority such as how the society was in a way everything to him to how much I-330 started to mean to him where it was all he could think about.

Developing A Soul

In these chapters, the entries have progressively become more personal and filled with uncertainty. Unlike the entries in the beginning, which were mainly filled with praise of the One State and facts about the world he lives in, they have now taken a more personal turn. Due to D-503 developing feelings, his entries now have less facts in them, as the world isn’t being seen in an objective light anymore. It is being seen through his own personal perspective, not how everyone should see the One State. “Slowly, softly, I floated down somewhere, my eyes turned dark, I died”. D-503’s entries are becoming more vague and a little harder to understand, as he begins to describe what he feels. Since he himself doesn’t understand feelings or what a soul is, describing it is unknown territory.

D-503 is now facing conflicting feelings about his life. He begins to question things he used to be certain of, and he blames all of it on the soul he was told he developed. When he was walking close to the Green Wall, and sees an animal on the other side, he begins to wonder. “what if he, this yellow eyed creature, in his disorderly , filthy mound of leaves, in his uncomputed life, is happier than we are”. Order and stability is what this society functions on. However, D-503 is now questioning the value of these traits he has lived by all his life. Because of I-330 he has made irrational decisions, which is unheard of. Rationality is valued the most. The One State puts heavy emphasis on math for a reason. There is always only one answer, and there are no unknown variables in their lives, making them question anything. D-503 however, has run into situations he doesn’t understand, and unwanted, unknown variables come up. “Yesterday, at the very moment when I thought that everything was already disentangled, that all the x’s were found, new unknown quantities appeared in my equation”. D-503 doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings, and going through them as rationally as he can helps him.

Despite D-503 repeating how sick he is throughout the entries, he keeps moving back and forth between wanting to be cured, and wanting to be left the way he has become. “Perhaps this discharge has cured me finally of my tormenting soul, and I’ve become again like all of us”. He wants to get rid of his soul so he wont feel pain anymore, but other times he just questions if its his soul that is making him feel this way, and tries to figure it out mathematically.

What frightens D-503 the most is the unknown. Before, everything was already known. There wasn’t anything to think about and no one wondered what tomorrow would bring. It had already been decided. However, after everything came crashing down, everyone began to wonder about the future. “Now and then I see…people tiptoe down the corridor, whispering, what will happen tomorrow? What will I turn into tomorrow?”. Tomorrow is inconceivable if there aren’t any values of the One State holding them down. The unknown is something no one here has ever experienced before, and it frightens them.


Infatuation will make you do crazy things

What started out as a very strict and studious journal, has now turned into a whirlwind of emotions and feelings. D-305 has taken a very dramatic turn from the character he is presented to us as in the beginning of the book, and now it is like I am reading a completely different story. D-305 has completely given into I-330 and by doing so has broken the mold which society had written out for him. I think this particularly represents how people would naturally react to something new and especially if it really has their attention. D-305 reacts this way because he has never experienced this before, and he doesn’t know how to think rationally about his situation due to the way he has been brought up in the society. At this point in the book, I am really seeing I-330 become the downfall to the story, everything about the current situation just doesn’t seem right to me.

” ‘Good. I promise you: after the holiday, if only…Oh, by the way, how is your Integral doing? I always forget to ask-how soon?’
‘No, what do you mean, ‘if only?’ Again? ‘If only’ what?
But she, already at the door : ‘ You’ll see yourself…’ ” (WE 134)

This quote shows how infatuated D-305 is, he focuses more on her than the actual things that she is saying. He does pick up at the end about her questioning the Integral, but doesn’t pay it as much mind as I believe he should.


New found emotions

In the next section of “We”, the reader is exposed to the continued “humanization” of D-503 as his feelings grow for I-330 and as he gulps in these new found emotions he even develops feelings for O-50. “I lay thinking and an extremely odd chain of logic inbound itself in my mind” (Page 101). Through the entry we see that D-503, has been through core emotional changes as he starts “thinking” instead of calculating. Previously, he was only adept at mathematical progress and machinations, now the desires of the human heart has impeded that ability with real human emotions. We are witness to D-503s evolution as a caring and loving human being as he is slowly weaned off of the desired structure of the One State. He is asking questions about his purpose in life and what he purpose is as a human being…not just a cog in the wheel of the One State. He can’t escape his core human essence and the arrival of emotion is an unknown feeling inside his brain. An example of this conflict is exhibited when he states “I am saddened to see, that instead of a harmonious and strict mathematical poem in honor of the One State, I am producing some sort of fantastic adventure novel” (Page 103) He is fighting his lifelong conditioning by the One State. He struggles so much and finds his new emotions so unnatural that he believes he is ill. “It is my duty to inform that Number D-503 is all and incapable of controlling his emotions” (page 127).

The irony is that D-503 is sick but it is because the One State has made him repress basic human emotion, where ” humility is a virtue, and pride a vice;” We” is from God, and “I” from the devil”( page 128). Despite that we see hope in the “utopian” “We” for the first time and love based story. The irrepressible side of human nature is winning the battle against repressive conditioning. Although, D-503 also has feelings for 0-50, who is considered more of an appropriate choice for D-503. Further, we see a love triangle developing between the two girls and D-503. Even O-50 understood strong feeling and connection  between D-503 and I-330,”today you don’t need anyone ,anyone in the world expect her, the other one “( page 106). In essence, in the end D-503 truly follows his heart and chooses I-330 who would not be considered appropriate for him by the system.

The beauty of this section of “We” is that despite the overwhelming efforts of the system and the Overseer to condition the people to do its will, the human heart is even a greater force.

Finding himself.

We began as a journal to show the way of life in the One State as seen through the eyes of its most prized mathematicians, but in these few chapters, I feel as if it has become a quest for D-503 to find himself. D-503 has developed into a troubled character and it is clear to us the readers that he in unsure of himself and his feelings towards the society. Although he understands the consequences that may happen if the One State were to find out his thoughts and actions, he carries on with caution and uses this “journal” as an escape into his own mind.

We realize that in his eighteenth entry D-503 states “I was alone …. It was essentially an unnatural sight: imagine a human finger cut off the whole, from a hand -a separate human finger, running, stooped and bobbing, up and down, along the glass pavement. I was that finger. And the strangest, the most unnatural thing of all was that the finger had no desire whatever to be on the hand, to be with others [. . .]” (103) D-503 is clearly accepting the fact that he was alone, and wanted to be alone. He had no desire to be a part of this society any more. Is this because he has realized all the restrictions that were put upon the society in order to maintain happiness? Or is it because he longs to find out more about himself and the only way this will ever happen is breaking free from the One State. Either way, we now know D-503 is unhappy in a place he once spoke to highly of and would rather be separate from it; alone.

We’ve also noticed on several occasions that D-503 he sees himself as being sick/ill. I believe he wants to make himself and others think he is sick to sort of compensate for acting or thinking abnormally. He wants to believe that his feelings towards other characters like O-90 and I-330 are not real but effects of this “illness” he has. When in reality, D-503 has grown apart from the One State, mentally. “My dear, you don’t look normal, you look sick – for abnormality and sickness are but the same thing. You are ruining yourself, but no one, no one will tell you that.” (131). Here we have some evidence that this “sickness” is not real. Nothing is wrong with D-503, he is simply growing into his own person, or rather, growing out of the One States’s norm. The One State is covering up his individuality by calling it a sickness. A lie that even D-503 believes; this can be evidence of his loyalty yet to the One State, by believing what he is told with no questions asked, yet.

What I feel makes D-503 human is I-330. She is his weakness and the only way we see happiness in D-503 is when they are together or when he speaks/thinks/writes of her. The journal is meant to speak of the “grandeur” and “extolling” the beauty of the One State but instead D-503 speaks this way of I-330. An example is found when D-503 says “And I am a crystal. I dissolve in her. I feel with utmost clarity how the polished facets that delimit me in space are melting away, away – I vanish, dissolve in her lap, within her, I grow smaller and smaller and at the same time even wider, ever larger, expanding into immensity […] Darling, forgive me! I don’t know – I talk such nonsense, so foolishly. . .” (131-132) This excerpt shows the creative and heartfelt way D-503 writes about I-330, something we have yet to see him do for the One State.


D-503 seems to be having a difficult time with his dreams and emotions that revolve around I-330 and his WE manuscript. He has started to use his pink coupon time to sit alone and record his thoughts instead of using the pink coupon for his sexual time. This might be the reason why he is having a difficult time managing his life and manuscript at the same time.(pg98) “plunging a sharp sweet needle deeper and deeper into my heart,and we walked together, the two of us-one…” This statement makes me believe that I-330 has his heart and he thinks that they both are meant to be together as one. I think I-330 might not feel the same way and is probably just messing around with him….

(Pg103) “I was alone ….imagine a human finger cut off the whole, from a hand -a separate human finger” although at one point D-503 was at one with the One State now he feels that he is no longer apart of the One state. He feels like he has started to disconnect from this society since he has gotten deeper into writing this book for the unknown readers in a distant part of the universe.

(Pg106) The Letter “I cannot live without you-because I love you. Because I see,I understand” O has poured her feelings into this letter for D-503 to read and from the looks of it he can’t return the same feelings to O. I think that O is weird for writing that letter when she could of just voiced her feelings to him in person. She wasn’t afraid to ask him for a child so why be afraid to express your feelings towards D-503 then?

(pg110) “She I -330, needs someone to think she is with me.And I need her,and what do I care for her”need”. I will not be a blind for someone else-I won’t.” Has D-503 final realized that I-330 probably isn’t into him at all and just needs to use him for her own benefit? Will he still let her use him or will he decline to assist her in what ever she needed from him?

(pg118) “iam afraid that if I lose I-330 , I will also lose what is perhaps the only key to the disclosure of all the unknown quantities….” Is D-503 deeply in love that he will break his concentration of recording this book if he happens to lose I-330? May be he just needs her as guidance for the answers he is searching for.

(pg124) “can’t anyone invent a remedy for this dream -sickness? Or turn it into something rational, or even useful” D-503 dreams hasn’t made sense or helped him figure out anything about his book… He Is aggravated at his dreams just as much as he dislikes the irrational numbers he keeps running into. Maybe if D-503 can accept the irrational numbers as if it’s a rational number maybe he could figure out what his weird dreams are telling him? It might be giving him clues that he will never bother to look into since it seems useless to him, until then he will just be irritated….

Crowdsourcing D-503’s Transformation As Writer, Thinker, Individual

As part of our reading of We, we are exploring the un/reliability of the narrator/narrative, the conflation of fact/fiction, the revision of memories, the reconstruction of experience, the ways in which storytellers attempt to portray their own, individual, personal truths (which may not be the same as the “objective” truth or the dominant view of the State). As a dystopian novel explicitly written in the form of a journal, We is a rich text for performing a close reading around these “self-conscious” moments in the narrative.

I am particularly interested in us tracing how, through the act of writing itself, D-503 moves from merely recording the values of the One State that he has already internalized, to developing an individual, rebellious, free-thinking understanding about the world and his place in it. Consider the journal entry titles and headings, D-503’s comments on why he is writing/who he is writing for (and how/why this changes), conflicts, competing sets of values, etc.

In preparation for Thursday’s class (4/10), everyone should post at least two comments (one for the reading, Entries 1-16, from Th 4/3, due by Su 4/6; one for the reading for Th 4/10, Entries 17-26, due W 4/9) as a reply to this post (though I encourage many more) that provides places where D-503 explicitly draws attention (in a meta-fiction way) to the fact that he is carefully/consciously constructing a narrative and controlling his reader’s reception of the text. Your comment (reply) can be just a few sentences: provide the quote/citation and a quick explanation of how/why it functions. Feel free to post multiple comments, and also to respond to others. If you’ve already discussed some of these instances in your previous blogs, you should feel free to draw on that material.

We’ll add to these comments with the final section of the book we’ll read during spring break, until we have a class-generated archive of all of these instances in the text.