
Part of Speech: Adjective

Definition: offensive to morality or decency; indecent; depraved

Source: Dictionary.com

Found in “Instructions on Not Giving Up” by Ada Limon

“ More than the fuchsia funnels breaking out
of the crabapple tree, more than the neighbor’s
almost obscene display of cherry limbs shoving
their cotton candy-colored blossoms to the slate
sky of Spring rains, it’s the greening of the trees
that really gets to me.” line1/line2/line3/line4/line5/line6

The speaker is saying that more than all those things that he/she listed including the indecent display of the cherry limbs shoving their cotton candy-colored blossoms to the slate sky of Spring rains that may make them feel good, it’s the greening of the trees
that really gets to them; where he/she means its the results of whatever is done that makes them feel better than those things.

Research on Langston Hughes

I chose to do my research on Langston Hughes because he wrote some of my favorite poems. Those poems being ” I too” and “Harlem ( A dream deferred ). Langston Hughes, fully named James Mercer Langston Hughes was born on Febuary 1st on 1901 in Joplin Missouri.  Langston wrote his first poem in 1921 called ” The Negro speaks of Rivers” which won an Coretta Scott King Book award in 2010 and was meet with great praise back in the day. One aspect of Langston Hughes life that caught my attention that i previously didn’t’t know was him being homosexual. Langston would keep his sexuality and even his life private and would hint at his homosexuality in his poems, He did this to follow in the steps of his “Literary hero” Walt Whitman who was known as the father of Free verse. Arnold Rampersad who was Langston Hughes Biographer wrote this about him “Hughes found some young men, especially dark-skinned men, appealing and sexually fascinating.”

One of Langston Hughes most popular works “Let America be America again” is a poem about the dreams of lower classed citizens and their disadvantages not being realized but theres still hope that one day their wishes will come true. Another type of work that Langston Hughes wrote besides poetry was a novel called “Not without laughter” The book was successful enough to make Langston pursue a permanent career in writing. He then wrote a collection of short stories named “The ways of white folks” On May 22 1967, Langston Hughes passed away due to complications from abdominal surgery.

Sources: https://www.biography.com/people/langston-hughes-9346313



Research on Elizabeth Acevedo

Elizabeth Acevedo was born in New York City, she is the daughter of immigrants born in the Dominican Republic and the youngest child and only daughter. Elizabeth Acevedo received a Ba in Performing arts from George Washington University, she also received MFA in creative writing from the University of Maryland. In her own words she proudly talks about her accomplishments not because she wants to show off but because she likes to give respect to all of her academic work. She feels that writing and performing help her understand herself better and the world. Elizabeth has been on television, given TEDtalks and took time to travel around the world. She does not only focus on poetry, but she also has written fiction stories.

The way Elizabeth got involved with poetry was because she loved to come up with songs but never felt like she had a great voice to become a singer, so she turned to hip hop and wanted to try rapping. With rapping in mind, she discovered poetry slams which also lead her to publishing fiction work. Some of her achievements in life was winning a National Poetry Slam. Her debut NovelThe Poet X (2018), won the National Book Award. Some of her favorite writers are Julia Alvarex, Lucille Clifton and Gloria Anzaldua.

Work Citations:




Margaret Atwood – Biography

Kenisha Charles 

November 28, 2018 


The Candian novelist-poet Margaret Atwood was born on November 18, 1939, in Ottawa, Ontario Canada. She was the second of the three children father Carl Atwood and mother Margaret Dorthey Atwood produced. Due to her father being an entomologist Margaret spent the majority of her childhood in the wilderness. Being exposed to the wilderness inspired her to start writing at the age of six, which she wrote plays and poems, etc. At age of sixteen, she came to the realization that becoming a writer would be the career path she chooses. She graduated in 1957 at Leaside high school and attended Victoria University where she continued to write. In 1962 she obtained her master’s from Radcliffe, although she strides for her doctorate for almost two years she did not complete. In 1976 she gave birth to her daughter Eleanor jess Attwood Gibson to an American writer Graeme Gibson. 

Her writing granted Margaret with some amazing awards that depicted her hard work. Receiving more than fifty awards such as Governor General’s award, Booker Prize, Giller Prize, Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, Hammett Prize, and much more. Some of her most famous works are The Handmaid’s Tale, The Blind Assassin, including her poetry collection Double Persephone, The Circle Game and The Animals in that country. She often writes about human rights and many can describe her works to be gothic. With a gothic essence, many find her work to alluring and truthful while keeping a notion of darkness. Margaret Atwood carries on as she is well into her late seventies.





Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: a person, especially an American, who is not Hispanic or Latino.

Source: oxforddictionaries.com

Found in “Puerto Rican Obituary ” by Pedro Pietro

“Proud to belong to a community of gringos who want them lynched” line 108/line 109

The speaker is saying he is proud to be in a community of non Hispanic or Latino people.

My Research on Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes, whose full name is actually James Mercer Langston Hughes, was born on February 1, 1902. He was born in the town of Joplin, Missouri and when he was young, his parents separated and he was raised by his grandmother. He eventually moved back with his mother and her new husband at age 13 and the family settled in Cleveland, Ohio. While living in Cleveland, he began to write poetry. The title of the first poem he wrote after graduating high school was called “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”. After attending Colombia University for a year, he went on to working many side jobs as well as becoming a steward for a freighter bound for Africa. When he came back to America from traveling all over Europe and Africa in 1924, he met Arna Bontemps and Carl Van Vechten. He would go on to have a lifelong influential friendships with them. Van Vechten would eventually introduce Hughes to the publisher Alfred A. Knopf, who would publish his first book he wrote his first book called “The Weary Blues” in 1926. His work during the Harlem renaissance helped greatly shape the artistic contribution. His poems were particularly known for their insightful, colorful portrayals of black life in America from the twenties through the sixties. Hughes was also among the first to use jazz rhythms and dialect to depict the life of urban blacks in his work. He published a second volume of poetry, “Fine Clothes to the Jew”, in 1927. In 1940 at age 28, his autobiography called “The Big Sea” was published. Around the same time, Hughes began contributing a column to the Chicago Defender He created a comic character named Jesse B. Semple, better known as “Simple,” for the column. Semple was a black Everyman that Hughes used to further explore urban, working-class black themes, and to address racial issues. He passed away on May 22, 1967 from complications of prostate cancer.


Work cited:




Sample Works Cited page for Paper #2

Hi everyone,

I’ve put together a sample Works Cited page that shows you entries for a poem from our textbook, a poem you’re using that’s online, and a newspaper article you’ve found through a database.  Please note that this is a sample and does not list four sources. 

Your Works Cited page should:

  1. have a minimum of four sources listed in alphabetical order (the poem you’re writing about, and three newspaper articles).
  2. be double-spaced
  3. use a hanging indent for all entries (where only the first line for each entry is indented)
MLA 8th edition

My Reseach on Alicia Ostriker

The Lovely Alicia Ostriker was born here in Brooklyn , New York On November 11th 1937. Mrs. Ostriker is a women of many talents besides poetry, she is a scholar and author. Some of her work are “ For the love of God: the bible as an open book”, “Dancing at the devil’s party: Essays on poetry, politics, and the erotic”, “ The Book of seventy”,and “Stealing the language: the emergence of women’s poetry in America” this being her earlier work. Mrs. Ostriker was well known for her feminist writing and poetry.

In a interview by Contemporary Authors, Alicia Ostriker speaks on people who doesn’t know work ask what she writes about, her response was very interesting. She said “ I write about love, sex, death, violence, family, politics, religion, friendships, painters and paintings, the body in sickness and health, joy and pain. “. She goes on to say that she tries her best not to write the same poem over and over again. She tries to challenge herself and write things that she is not use to and what she fears to write. When reading that drew me to choosing her as my poet to write on beside her being from Brooklyn, New York. She loves the challenge of writing poetry rather than an essay or literary criticism which she more or less knows what she is doing, but she describes poetry as “ crawling in the dark”. Over the years, Alicia Ostriker was recognized for talent; she was rewarded being elected Chancellor of the academy of American poets in 2015 and her recent accomplishment in 2018 being named New York State Poet.

Works Cited

Poetry Foudation, “Alicia Ostricker” , https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/alicia-ostriker Accessed November 27, 2018

Poets.org, “Sam Hamhill” , https://www.poets.org/poetsorg/poet/alicia-ostriker  Published April 24, 2018; Accessed November 27, 2018

Andrew Grace BIO

Andrew Grace is the poet that I chose to write about because of my interest in his poem called “Not a mile”; and I also find him very relatable as a person. Grace grew up in Illinois on a farm right outside of the town Urbana where he lived with third-generation farming family. Growing up, Grace’s main interest was punk rock music. His intentions weren’t really focused on becoming a poet because he hadn’t known for sure if that was what he wanted to do however he claimed that he was somehow hoping to be a poet at some point in his life, since living on the farm, he always felt a void that needed to be filled in and now as a poet and having a way of expressing his thoughts, he has been able to fill that void. Grace recalled only reading three poems his whole life before attending college.  Grace attended Kenyon College in 1977 where he studied poetry, with little knowledge of what it entails. While in college, his father died which pushed him even further into poetry; additionally, the loss of his father became his driving force to pursue this career. While attending Kenyon college he met his wife in his junior year who he now has formed a family with, with the addition of their daughter. According to his biography, the book “Sancta” is one his most famous works which was published in 2012, a book that is about the landscape that he grew up in. His work had also been recognized by many famous poets such as Duncan, Eigner, Oppen, Bronk, Niedecker, Revell, Giscombe, Gizzi, and Hillman. When describing himself, Grace seems to be in disbelief at how far he has come in his career. He now has a PhD and is a candidate at the University of Cincinnati. I think that Andrew Grace is a phenomenal poet and I can see why other readers like myself would be drawn to his work; not only he came from a small and became very successful, but he was able to fill an emotional void with a fulfilling career by following his passion which makes him even more relatable. As a reader that’s from a small town as well, reading his biography made me feel like I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to and know that other readers may feel the same way. It’s also an example of how setbacks can sometimes be a push; the same way his father’s death motivated him to achieve his goals.


“Sancta.” Ahsahta Press, ahsahtapress.org/book/andrew-grace/.


Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: a small piece of linen, silk, or other fabric, usually square, and used especially for wiping one’s nose, eyes, face, etc., or for decorative purposes.  

Source: Dictionary.com

Found in “Folding My Clothes” by Julia Alvarez

“ my panties strictly packed into the size
of handkerchiefs on which no trace
of tears showed.
” line7/line8/line9

The speaker is using handkerchief as a reference to size, by referring to something small.