This was the first time I made brownies for Thanksgiving!! It was really fun and my little sisters helped. My father made sweet plantain and bacon-wrapped filet mignon. Apparently, he made this for his dad’s 50th birthday back in the 70s or 80s and this was his first time making the dish since, so that was really special to me.
Tag: food
Daisy Xia: HW3: What’s On Your Thanksgiving Plate?
HW3: What’s On Your Thanksgiving Plate?
Happy Thanksgiving! This homework assignment is a fun one, and adapted from my history of photography class. Share with classmates an image of something you’re eating/cooking over the holiday week. Since we just covered Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper, you may want to look at parodies of this famous painting, including this photograph by David LaChapelle. Sometimes parodies evoke anger, including a fashion ad campaign that parodied Leonardo’s painting and was banned in Milan. More recently, The Daily News used a Last Supper parody for The Last Whopper cover to criticize President Trump.
Don’t forget for this assignment, you just need to post an image of something you’re having for Thanksgiving and a short line describing it! Please only check the category #studentHW
The DUE DATE is Monday December 2, by midnight.
For those of you interested in exploring food photography and how some foodies are turning their social media into profit, look here.