Capturing An Image Without Seeing it.

In the article “Capturing Dinosaurs and Whales, Without Seeing Them” A group consisting of partially blind and blind photographers explores the American Museum of Art History to capture and recreate exhibits. The trip was supervised by Vision, a Manhattan based organization that provides services for the visually impaired. The exhibit and scenery in the museum was careful described to photographers who couldn’t see, which allowed the individual to recreate their environment mentally. Vision really wanted to give photographer a sense and art form to photography rather than just to point and click, blind or not.

I was kind of surprised at the fact that there were blind photographers; I didn’t really think this was possible. Up on until this point I thought photography only was about seeing and experiencing, but its also about recreating whether on a piece of paper or mentally. I was astonished at the fact that vision helped blind photographers recreate scenes from their past memory to create photography; this form of construction of photography really gives it a more personal touch and sense of depth to the photographer. I would never think a blind person could be a photographer for obvious reason, I’m really happy I found this article.   It has really showed me anyone with an imagination and passion can be a photographer.


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2 Responses to Capturing An Image Without Seeing it.

  1. Romaine–

    After seeing your post on blind photographers, I couldn’t help but to comment. I happen to have a father who has been legally blind all his life. My father’s condition has left him with visual disability since childbirth, which causes him to see certain things without details, especially if in the distance.

    This being said, my father’s disability has never been an obstacle in him expressing his artistic side–legally blind or not. A few decades ago, he was really into his photography, and found ways to be able to capture memories and put things into perspective (also capturing details he was unable to see with his developed photography). Nowadays, he finds digital cameras to be fascinating, and is especially impressed with the optical zoom features (particularly on Canon Power Shot cameras)–which allow him to see things in the distance with more detail; thus, allowing him to take photographs he was once not able to take).

    I am always inspired by my father’s artistic abilities. I am also happy that this article focuses on something that’s not only very personal to me, but also INSPIRING. Thanks for posting!

  2. Sandra Cheng says:

    Thanks so much Romaine for posting, I missed this NYT article! It’s fascinating that the use of the camera allows for so many different ways of ‘seeing’. Plus thank you for sharing Carlos, stories like your father’s art and the photographers in this article are inspiring.

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