Category Archives: Posts – Project 1


Posted in Post 6 Diagrams of Massing, Vali Choibekov | Leave a comment


Final Massings

Posted in Jose Mego, Post 6 Diagrams of Massing | Leave a comment

Post 6_David Wu

Posted in David Wu, Post 6 Diagrams of Massing, Uncategorized | Leave a comment



Posted in Kadeen Daniel, Post 6 Diagrams of Massing | Leave a comment

Post 5_Pawaroo Sandesh

Posted in Post 5 Precedent Studies, Sandesh Pawaroo | Leave a comment

Post 6_Jose Campoverde

Posted in Jose Campoverde, Post 6 Diagrams of Massing | Leave a comment

Post 5_Jose Campoverde

Posted in Jose Campoverde, Post 5 Precedent Studies | Leave a comment

Post 4_Jose Campoverde

Posted in Jose Campoverde, Post 4 Diagramatic Site Layout | Leave a comment


Posted in Haimonti Paul, Post 2 Spaces, Programing Matrix and Bubble Diagram | Leave a comment

Post 5_Harold Morales

Posted in Harold Morales, Post 5 Precedent Studies | Leave a comment