Category Archives: Posts – Project 2

Post 3_Diaz

Posted in Luisa Diaz, Post 3_Concept Model and Drawings | Leave a comment

Post 8_Display_Anthony_Clemente

Posted in Anthony Clemente, Post 8_Display | Leave a comment

Post 7_Elevation/Section/Plans_Anthony_Clemente

Posted in Anthony Clemente, Post 7_Plans/Sections/Elevations | Leave a comment


Posted in Cindy Alonzo, Post 8_Display | Leave a comment

Post 8_Nita Velasquez_Display

Posted in Nita Velasquez, Post 8_Display, Posts - Project 2 | Leave a comment

Post 7_Nita Velasquez_Plans/Sections/Elevations

Posted in Nita Velasquez, Post 7_Plans/Sections/Elevations, Posts - Project 2 | Leave a comment

Post 8_Display_Harold Morales

Posted in Harold Morales, Post 8_Display | Leave a comment

Post 3_Annella H

Posted in Annella Hollsborough, Post 3_Concept Model and Drawings | Leave a comment


Posted in Jose Mego, Post 3_Concept Model and Drawings | Leave a comment

Post 6_Program&Layout

Posted in David Wu, Post 6_Program & Layout | Leave a comment