Category Archives: Cindy Alonzo

Post 5 _ Cindy Alonzo_Site Analysis and Interaction

Posted in Cindy Alonzo, Post 5_Site Analysis and Interaction | Leave a comment

Post 4_Cindy_ Alonzo_Site Zoning Study

Posted in Cindy Alonzo, Post 4_Site Zoning Study | Leave a comment

Post 3_ Alonzo_Cindy – Concept Model and drawings

Posted in Cindy Alonzo, Post 3_Concept Model and Drawings | Leave a comment


Posted in Cindy Alonzo, Post 1_Branding | Leave a comment

Post 7_ Cindy Alonzo_ Final Presentation Project 1

Final Presentation File  

Posted in Cindy Alonzo, Post 7 Midterm Presentation | Leave a comment

Post 6_ Cindy Alonzo

Posted in Cindy Alonzo, Post 6 Diagrams of Massing | Leave a comment

Post 5_ Cindy Alonzo

Posted in Cindy Alonzo, Post 5 Precedent Studies | Leave a comment

Post 4_ Cindy Alonzo

Posted in Cindy Alonzo, Post 4 Diagramatic Site Layout | Leave a comment

Post 3_ Cindy Alonzo

Posted in Cindy Alonzo, Post 3 Site Analysis | 2 Comments