Author Archives: Jose A. Campoverde

Final_Presentation_Jose Campoverde

Posted in Jose Campoverde, Post 12_Final Presentation Project 2 | Leave a comment

Post_11_Jose Campoverde_RCP

Posted in Jose Campoverde, Post 11_Reflected Ceiling Plans | Leave a comment

Post_7_Jose Campoverde_FloorPlans

Posted in Jose Campoverde, Post 7_Plans/Sections/Elevations | Leave a comment

Board_10_Jose Campoverde_BathroomDetails

Posted in Jose Campoverde, Post 10_ADA Bathroom | Leave a comment

Post_9_Jose Campoverde_Materials

Posted in Jose Campoverde, Post 9_Materials | Leave a comment

Post_8_Jose Campoverde_Display Design

Posted in Jose Campoverde, Post 8_Display | Leave a comment

Post_3_Jose Campoverde

Posted in Jose Campoverde, Post 3_Concept Model and Drawings | 1 Comment

Post_5_Jose Campoverde_Site Analysis

Posted in Jose Campoverde, Post 5_Site Analysis and Interaction | Leave a comment

Post_6_Jose Campoverde

Posted in Jose Campoverde, Post 6_Program & Layout | Leave a comment

Post_4_Jose Campoverde

Posted in Jose Campoverde, Post 4_Site Zoning Study | Leave a comment