Monthly Archives: April 2013

Post 1_Branding_Nita Velasquez

Posted in Nita Velasquez, Post 1_Branding | Leave a comment


MAD Case Study

Posted in Jose Mego, Post 1_Branding | Leave a comment

Post 1_Branding_Jose Campoverde

Posted in Jose Campoverde, Post 1_Branding | Leave a comment

POST#1 Branding

Posted in Kadeen Daniel | Leave a comment


Posted in Cindy Alonzo, Post 1_Branding | Leave a comment

Project 1 Presentation

I have been able to grade the following students: Cindy, Jose C., Jose M., Anthony, Harold, Nita, and David. I have requested more information (left comment on their post) for: Ariel and Vali I cannot grade the following students unless … Continue reading

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Post 7_NunezAriel

post 7 post 7

Posted in Post 7 Midterm Presentation, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Post 1_Harold Morales

Posted in Harold Morales, Post 1_Branding | Leave a comment


Final Midterm Presenation

Posted in Jose Mego, Post 7 Midterm Presentation | Leave a comment

Post 7 Nita Velasquez Midterm Presentation

Posted in Nita Velasquez, Post 7 Midterm Presentation | Leave a comment