Today’s Best 9/16



I really enjoy the feeling this photo conveys, the lighting is diffused which makes the model’s face softer, fuller and brighter

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Direct/Diffused light


I personally like this photo because there is direct light with a little fill light. The main light is directly on the cheek bone and the entire right side.

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I decided to use this photograph as my best because the lighting is well balanced. The broad-face lighting works well because it brightens out his his facial features. The fill light is subtle but still manages to remove some shadows from the left side. His facial expression shows a sense of wonder. The backlight gives the appearance that resembles a halo which i thought was funny.

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The massacre


This photograph is very natural. The expression she used to make this pose was what she would do everyday making this a part of her.Like a beauty photo and yet funny and goofy ! There is a soft light on her face, following on her face. She is looking up and i say this photo has diffused light a bit, if we look to the lower right we see a soft shade.

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LL3 Portrait Lighting


This image shows a lot of direct lighting. The side light gives a dynamic shadow for Ira’s face. I love the expression of taking a selfie, it gives a candid feeling.

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My Best


I feel that this picture is my best because it makes the most use of direct lighting to emphasize a heavy and intense mood. The expression of the subject is reflected in the entire composition.

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Best photo


I believe this picture I took was my best for the day mainly because of the different levels of values it illustrates. Due to the shadows being diffused, it cast very soft shadows upon the subject’s face.

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LL2 – R Estrada

13 - Shallow DOF w Focus on FG

This photo is my personal favorite from the shots we took during class. The composition consists of the image being shot from a low-level to give the studio light a more direct sense of focus. If anything the selective focus on the lamp should help bring out its importance as well. The studio light is also receiving direct light from the fluorescent bulbs above which allowed for a clear shot.

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This image is one of my favorites from the ‘Up close scavenger hunt.” This image is shot from a low angle, which creates a more dramatic effect. The walls in this image also showcase a rough texture. It is also a low key image and displays leading lines.


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For today class, we were dealing with photography composition. In this image, the composition is converging lines (perspective). The image clearly demonstrate the strong idea of perspective due to the converging of the path of lights.  With the image being all close up, it creates the feeling of being in a small area. Camera angle is placed at a low angle due to trying to capture the security camera that is attached to the building ceiling.

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