Category Archives: Learning Logs

LL3- REstrada

During our portrait class shoot I believe that this is my best photo. The photo captures a very serious expression that works well with the fill light. The portrait follows along an eye level composition to bring even more attention … Continue reading

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Today we shot in the studio and this was my best photograph. The diffused lighting gives it a serious feel. There is a full scale of tones and is sharp overall shot.

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Portrait Lighting – The strongest about this image is how the background light was set up for the model. It was able to separate the model from the background. The fill light seem pretty strong because the darker area is … Continue reading

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Portrait Lighting

    I feel that this photo is effective because it’s well lit. There are multiple light sources so it uses diffused light to make the shadows softer. The fill light opens up her face and along with her expression makes the … Continue reading

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Today’s Best 9/16

  I really enjoy the feeling this photo conveys, the lighting is diffused which makes the model’s face softer, fuller and brighter

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Direct/Diffused light

I personally like this photo because there is direct light with a little fill light. The main light is directly on the cheek bone and the entire right side.

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I decided to use this photograph as my best because the lighting is well balanced. The broad-face lighting works well because it brightens out his his facial features. The fill light is subtle but still manages to remove some shadows from … Continue reading

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The massacre

This photograph is very natural. The expression she used to make this pose was what she would do everyday making this a part of her.Like a beauty photo and yet funny and goofy ! There is a soft light on … Continue reading

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LL3 Portrait Lighting

This image shows a lot of direct lighting. The side light gives a dynamic shadow for Ira’s face. I love the expression of taking a selfie, it gives a candid feeling.

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My Best

I feel that this picture is my best because it makes the most use of direct lighting to emphasize a heavy and intense mood. The expression of the subject is reflected in the entire composition.

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