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Delmar Journal 1

Dear Illustra Chronicles,

The Art Directors Club and myself hosted an artist’s forum, also known as Meet the Pros. The speaker was a forerunner in illustration, and master of his craft, Gideon Kendall. He showed the students illustrations in a cartoonist style, landscapes, characters, and even creatures. He shared his origins of education going to high school in Philadelphia. Then pursuing the arts in Cooper Union and working as an Illustrator, Animator, Designer and even a musician he said. I thought that was weird but cool, everybody has a hobby.
I was ecstatic about his beautiful style, the curves colors and characters. I thought I must learn this. It was like a sign from the “Order of Artists”. When the forum was finished all the students lined up to meet the master. I patiently waited for the right moment, and the answer was given by the master. One student asked Gideon how he could get an internship with someone they know, and Gideon said, “Hey, even if you have to ask them to clean their room or organize their work, do that”.
I went up to him and did that exactly using it as a joke to get the job and it worked. I was excited for two weeks and the third week, the illustration began. First I showed him my work. He liked it and we both saw that our styles were different. He was a loose line artist and I was rough and tight he said he will help me find my balance.

Posted in Uncategorized.

Jay Soo Journal Entry #7

I got to work early as usual; this time my supervisor was here and he said last week he had a family situation, so that was why he didn’t show up. I figured he could have sent an email to the interns to inform us, but it wasn’t a big deal. He asked for the City Tech logo design I worked on last time. I finished it, but he wanted me to change the yellow to a gold. I actually didn’t know that the school logo was actually blue and gold. I did it in a matter of minutes and he took the files. I showed him my senior project progress so far and he gave me insights such as being more creative with it and put more work into it. He showed me his senior project called Tatua done in 2002; it was original and really interesting. He reminded me to use what I have learned all these years in the school to create something creative and my own. He also handpicked a design book and a logo book for me to take reference. I felt really motivated and started to rethink my point of view for my project. It wasn’t long until my supervisor told me to work on a new project. It was an “urgent” job that required some Photoshop work to be done for two pictures. It wasn’t very specific on paper, but I believed we delivered the solution to the client’s problem. After that I just kept doing research until 5 pm.

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Jay Soo Journal Entry #6

Jay Soo


ADV 4900-E299

Journal Entry #6

I went to work early at 16 Court Street as usual today. I walked in and cleaned my desk so I could put down my belongings and my working space would be organized. I waited for an hour with another intern, but our supervisor still didn’t show up. The other intern, Alonzo, said that our supervisor might have been in a meeting. It seemed like the case because both his office and Yue Chan’s office were closed. Alonzo left at 1 pm because that’s his usual schedule. I decided to wait until the end of the day at 5 pm so I could just go to my night class. I used the time wisely by working on my senior project. I started doing more sketches for my logo and game cover. Since I could go online I did a lot of research on Square Enix’s logos for most of their games.

I went to lunch at about 2 pm. When I got back to the office I talked to Jessica, an employee there that I met last week. I asked if there was anything she needed help with, so she told me that the gift certificate I designed last week was too big to fit in an envelope. Also she wanted me to reduce the size of some words on the bottom. I worked on it and showed her several times, and finally she approved it. I was glad that today was a productive day.

Posted in Uncategorized.

Journal #7

On “Social Animal”, an article by David Brooks, he discusses in broad terms – how science can help us make sense of our own lives – from falling in love, to being happy, to finding connections with others, etc. I think this article is fine. It’s not bad. The problem with this article, is that it’s all been discussed before. None of the ideas presented here are brand new amazing insights on life, but the writing is good. The thing is, (myself included) people love reading about themselves. So if it’s an article on the science behind how we came to be, how we become successful, how we find mates – and make the relationship work, how we become happy human beings, etc – we will read it. I suppose this isn’t problematic really, as reading is a leisurely activity – but for some reason I would love to read more about real science, politics, environmental problems and well less about myself and more on long-lasting solutions to the world’s main problems.

For instance, how and fucking when are we going to solve climate change? Will we ever have more than 2 main political parties?  When will we get money out of politics and not have most politicians being swayed by big businesses? And of course, will Congress get their shit together and maybe – oh maybe – restore the government before this Thursday?

The main problem with these crises’ (perhaps Brooks could write an article about this?) is that you have 2 distinct groups of people – what their labels are doesn’t matter,  (liberals/conservatives, democrats/republicans, science-oriented/Christians, etc, urban/rural),  that tend to follow patterns which do not allow them to sit down and calmly work out solutions. Call it pride, stubbornness, ignorance, whatever – these two people will talk through each other, and will be hesitant to budge on their opinions of what they feel is best (now, whether this aforementioned solution is really best for themselves and the corporation that allows them to stay in office, or really best for Americans…that is left up in the air). Jonah Lehrer briefly touches on this with his article “Groupthink”. When he talks about working/creative groups and what makes a good group, good – you could apply this here. When we have a small group of Democrats and Republicans for instance – what would make this group work well together, consistently? They are often in close proximity when working on ideas and legislation. This should help. They’re also most of the time broken down into small teams to work on individual tasks and problems (though usually not intermixed here, unfortunately). Clearly even Lehrer can’t solve the political problem – though I find that his solutions would come close – if either team were willing to budge…on anything.


Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

Journal Six

Journal Six

     Yesterday was a fairly busy day at work.  As usual, I had to cut boards and mount things in the morning.  When I wasn’t busy with that, I tried to work on homework for my Web Three class.  Later, I was given another scan and print job.  You have to scan items, retouch and clean them up in Photoshop if necessary, and then print them.  Once again, I couldn’t do it by myself, and it started to drive me crazy.  Later though, I was given another job with it, and finally, after looking at the different interfaces and options on the set up section of it, I understood how to do it.  Fortunately I was finally able to do this job correctly by myself.

There wasn’t a lot to do in the afternoon, and I spoke a bit with two of the people who work there.  I guess it can be a good idea to be somewhat sociable, though you don’t want to overdo it.  The office in general though, is a sociable place, and people often congregate in the manager’s office and joke and laugh for long periods of time.

I have to be careful in this area because I tend to either isolate and talk to no one, or go to the other extreme, and joke around all the time, and almost forget that I am at work.  I also am more than capable of bringing up subjects which may not be appropriate, (such as politically controversial topics), and have to be careful in this area.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

GROUPTHINK: The Brainstorming Myth

“Group Think: The Brainstorming Myth”

  This article focused on brainstorming, and various theories and ideas which came out of the topic.  It first explained that classic brainstorming, though a popular idea, doesn’t really work, and that people working alone or in more critical groups, produce just as many, if not more ideas.  Apparently, being exposed to some criticism fosters, rather than inhibits, a good exchange of ideas.

The article then went on to describe how in collaborative efforts, the best mix of people is to have a mix where the members are familiar with each other, but no too familiar.  If they are either not at all familiar with each other, or very familiar with each other, they will not be as successful as groups where the members are somewhere in the middle.

Lastly, the article talked about a building at MIT, Building 20, where a badly constructed building, filled with all different types of groups, produced a great mix of productivity, creativity, and ideas.  The freedom to change the physical space, and the constant interaction of people from different fields, caused the workers there to be extremely productive and active.

Posted in Assignments.

Journal 6

On October 4, 2013. I continued testing my design. My goal is to make my design look like a real motherboard/CPU, instead of just a clip art. This is my first time working on a design with a metallic effect.

On October 7, 2013. I showed my supervisor, Yue Chen my motherboard design, and he said it looked okay. The design didn’t look like a motherboard, but it did have metallic effect and the concept of New York City College of Technology in charge, and controlled of all majors.

Later, my supervisor asked me to meet at his office, and he had assigned me a new assignment. The assignment was to design a t-shirt on the topic of leaking at Fukushima again. Last time, he had asked me to use the Fukushima’s site or nuclear plant to show the leaking. This time, he had asked me to use the Japan flag and Fukushima’s map to show the leaking. My goal is to come up with ideas using these graphic elements.

I had picked the best two designs to work on the Illustrator. The design was a red circle as the Japan flag, and the shape of a Fukushima map to show the location of leaking, and drips turn into a shape of a nuclear bomb explosion.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Kenneth Journal Entry #4

A week has passed now and I get an email from the company and it states that I’m going to be working on a new project with them. So we set up a meeting and there they tell me about what the client wants and deadlines. The job was to create an identity for a new app called iSeecolors that detects color. So they gave me the job to create buttons and user interface screens. While I was doing that something told me to try and create a logo for this app. So after I created the buttons and user interfaces screens. I started playing with logo ideas. After 2 days of creating different Ideas. One really stood out. I then told them that after I was done with the work they gave me that I had also done a logo for them. So I emailed them the work and they were so happy with my work and that they loved my logo, and will consider using. The final deadline finally comes around and I see my logo up. I was so excited to see my work on the apple app stores. I then told every one to check it out and purchase so that they could see my work.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Kenneth Journal Entry #3

My last entry ended off with me interviewing. The day after that I got a call from CEO, and he said that they have decided to move forward with me. We then set up another interview for on boarding. At this meeting I then signed my life away and they explained a few things. First all the things I would be doing and also how I would be working with things that will be confidential.

After few days I met at the office again with the creative director, and he explained to me what my first small project. Which was the creation of new icons for their site that needed renewing. So for a couple of days, I spend my time researching, drawing, illustrating on the computer, and contacting the creative director back and forth. Finally I, after a week had pass, was done with the icons. I then send him an email with the illustrator files of the icons and they loved it, and said it’s exactly what they were looking for.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Carlos Ordonez Journal Entry Week 5 (10/09/13)

My second time at cosmos was interesting. I came in on Tuesday October 8th 2013, but Joe told me he had nothing for me to do, so he asked me if I wanted to be at Avidd today, so I agreed and headed to Avidd. There I met Flow who is Mikes wife and business partner. She is the one in charge of designing the patterns, samples and pretty much everything that the company outputs. I spent the whole day with Flow because she was teaching me how they create they design, create their prints and how they work. What they do is that with the use of really small patterns and a shape or an image they create the illusion of 3D. They do samples with printed paper and then laminating it with a special type of plastic that is made up of small lenses, that in the end create the 3D effect. They have this high quality printer that resembles the process of a big CMYK printer or let say a printer with plates. It takes about 30 minutes to create a print but the quality is about 2800dppi. After the print is created we have to transfer to paper in and other machine. On that same machine you laminate the paper with the plastic cover that in the end creates the 3D effect, the only thing is that in order to transfer the print to paper the machine has to be hot and to laminate it has to be cold. Let me not forget to mention that in takes the machine 2 hours to cool down. In the end I learned the whole process that it takes Aviddd to create their sample prints, so hopefully next time I am there  I will have more hands on tasks.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.