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Journal Post #6

Today when i went in i worked with the other intern Alonzo and brainstormed the a video project for the schools new comers.  Afterward my supervisor gave me my first non video / animation assignment.  I had to edit two separate photos.  Each photo had about 3 people in them and i my task was to mask out the background, add the people in each photo together and retouch the completed photo.  It was an easy task as there figures were not complicated.  I used the pen tool and outlined each figure.  Later I used quick mask for the background, feathered and smoothed the models.  The other picture had a problem.  The lady in the other picture had her arm cut off on the edge of the photo so i had to use her left arm, copy it, and use it to make a believable right arm, which was missing.  I copied the arm and warped it to make it the correct angle and added some levels and curves to make it related to the lighting.  I placed all the figures into one picture and cleaned up the pixels by lightly blurring the shadows and black spaces in the photo.  After this assignment he gave me another task with photo retouching.  The time i had left was short so we decided that i would work on it next time, on Thursday.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Kenneth Journal #7

This week we met at the office and I was told that we would be working on 2 different logos. One company was wait lost program called Lose extra Fat, and the other one was called Dating Exclusively. I was also told that since I did so good with the last logo that I might be able to make some money if I made a logo that the client likes. So the first step of the process was to write a list of things that come to mind. When we think about the names of the company. We then gather a bunch of images and spend about 3 hours researching and sketching ideas out. After that it was time to go home and for the next 3 days, I was revising and making my sketches look golden. So I could have them ready to present at our next meeting. The next meeting is finally here and I presented my work for both Dating Exclusively and Lose Extra Fat. Then they told me that they liked four of my logos and that they wanted to see them in vector form. So for the next few hours, at home, I was wired to my computer designing these logos. I had finished them by 1 A.M. that night and had emailed them to them. They then emailed me back saying how impressed they were, with the how fast and efficient. So now all I could do is wait and see if the clients picked my logos. After 2 days I got an email and I was told that they picked someone one of the other logos, event thought I was a little mad about them not picking mine I was happy for the experience of it all.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Kenneth Journal Entry #6

This week wasn’t as busy as the others the only client that the company had were people that needed icons for their sites and some other companies that needed logos. The first company that needed something does was a fashion blogger that needed, custom social media icons for her site. Something very simple; that they thought I could handle with no problem. So they explained to me what was needed, and handed me over the job. At that point I thought to myself that wow they are getting pretty comfortable with me. Or they just didn’t want to do it, but hey I didn’t mind it. I was just happy to do work, and show them the good work that I could do. I then started off making a list of things that would relate and would go with her site. There was a ton of things that could be used for the icon, but after visiting her site. I noticed that she had a lot of handbags on it. So I thought to myself. Maybe I could just illustrate a vector image of a generic handbag and put the social media icons in the middle of them. So goggled pictures of handbags, and I to a realistic picture, traced it and made it into a vector. After I was done with that. I sent it to the creative director for revision and then he forward it to the client. He then emailed me congratulating me and thanking me for my good work.


Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

How to Get a Job Response

This society has been growing towards a insubstantial state especially since the recession hit. Finding ways to keep both financial stability, as well as mental stability are growing extremely tedious to accomplish. The article “How to get a Job” by Thomas L. Friedman showed a various amount of insight into the process of searching and applying for jobs. Thomas explained that the world does not care anymore about what you know. It’s primary concern regards what you can do with what you know. Today’s job market is evolving rapidly to the point that objects that were stressed as important back in the day, such as college degrees, are becoming less important by employers. It does not serve as a reasonable source that determines an individual’s ability on how well they can preform a job. Businesses are raising their expectations. They expect their potential candidates to be the perfect match. They do not want to take the time to train a possible future employee but expect the same individual to be overqualified. It is expected for this job seeker to prove him or her self, which is a tedious process.

Thomas also targeted some key points that strongly affects a individuals value such as poor writing and grammar. I feel writings and grammar are things that are not continually focused on the more you advance through college. I personally feel its one of those skills that slowly slips from us when it is not properly nurtured and used to it’s true potential. I feel most colleges do not focus on important matters that mold us into bright individuals. This serves as a handicap for potential people who have the drive but lack the resources and insight.  I feel as if being successful in this world consists of knowledge, determination, knowing how to utilize your skills, and having the entrepreneurial spirit but without knowledge what good are your skills if you have no idea how to utilize them? What is the purpose of experiences if you’re not learning and harvesting your skills.

Thomas also focused on some aspects many job seekers seem to forget about or have no idea of.  Resumes are thought of as spam to recruiters. When applying to a job you have to show how you will help add value to a company. Most employers obtain more than 500 applications a day. When applying to a job you have to sell yourself. You have to think what is unique about you and what about it will help make you a valuable asset to a company. Being a value to a company and to yourself is learning how to be a independent, creative thinker, inventor, and solution finder who is constantly on the route towards personal development, and a more advance outlook on how things work in this world.

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Journal Entry #7

After the previous week I worked on the card design for the event. I also made some revisions and finalized it. Melissa, the founder, had her vision of how she wanted her card to look but after a couple of quick drafts I convinced her to keep it simple. I also suggested her to allow me to add a quick response code to layout so people will automatically be able to donate to the cause by using their phones to access the direct website. After designing the card I focused on designing the display stand for the lipsticks. During our last meeting Melissa and I discussed which photos to use for the display stand, and came up with some body copy for the board.  The headline stated “A toast to beauty. The body copy stated “Intoxicatingly bold colors with Shea butter for ultimate moisture. Cheers!” Coming up with short phrases took some time but it was an amazing feeling to come up with some text during the creative process.  After I designed the display board I had work early the next day. After work I met up at the Dacia Gallery for Melissa’s event. The event started at six o clock and ended at eight o clock. The plan was to meet for 4:30 while Melissa was suppose to reach the gallery by 4:00 but due to traffic Melissa reached the gallery around 5:20. While I’ve been waiting for her since 3:45. The models, make up artist, and hair stylist were already present and the makeup artist and hair stylist had already started making over the models. Since we were running out of time I helped Melissa with setting up. I started with the bar then moved onto the Lipstick display stand, gift bags, and even helped with not only buying supplies but also mixing the refreshments. It was really exhausting. After the event party started I got to mingle with a couple of the guest. I met some interesting people, ranging from business owners, jewelry designers, makeup artist, and fashion bloggers.  It was a pretty exhausting day but it was a bit gratifying to see my design as the lipstick display as well as the cards designed.

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Journal Entry #6

This week was my first official meeting with Melissa, the founder of the company the Lip bar. During the meeting I learned a bit more about the brand. Melissa clued me in on some of the new collections of lipsticks that were going to be released in the future. She also showed me several package designs for the lip-glosses, and mascaras she hopes to also launch in the future. I also learned that there was going to be a event party on October 17th.   After the information lecture Melissa introduced me to one of the social media platforms they use called Instagram. Instagram is a phone application that allows users to post videos and photos. The Lip bar has a 15 sec show called the lip bar show. It consists of two old ladies as the characters. The concept of the show pertains to older woman who are trying to stay young and hip by using the lip bars lipsticks.  Melissa and her creative director, Rosco played both characters. I was the cameraman for this episode. They both picked two unique colors for the characters; Purple rain and Cosmo. These colors are going to be released within their new lipstick collection called Cocktail on the Rocks.  The Cocktails on the rocks collection features three colors, Cosmo, Purple Rain, and Amaretto sour. Cosmo is a extravagant vibrant red. Purple rain emulates a vivacious purple, while Amaretto sour is an energetic yellow. The topic of this episode was to spread the word about the new collections that are to be released as well as drive traffic towards the indegogo campaign. The indegogo campaign is a fundraiser to raise funds for a lip bar truck. Melissa currently wants to own a lip bar truck to make a mobile store. She wants to allow her clients the ability to try on colors before they purchase them. It also will give them the option to mix customizable colors for their personal needs. After the recording I was given two projects. I had to design a card for the event, a display board for the lipsticks, and also think about concepts for a promotional commercial for their other new collection called Power trip.

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Internship as of 20131023

This week I have to design two cover for their brochure as well as retouch and update flyers. I have to update thirty- eight pages of flyers since the company produces English and Chinese versions of it.  The designs for the covers that I need to come up with are brochure for the West Coast and Yellowstone National Park. Since I have two projects at hand I might have to multitask. My supervisor Stanley told me to send him the design as a PDF file through email, and he will give feedback on it. Currently I am still in the midst of retouching and updating the flyers since there is a handful of them. Once I’ve completed that I’ll start on the design of the cover for the brochures by sketching and laying it out.

My experience so far of my time working at the company is that there is always work to be done, and sometimes might have to overwork at home for it to be completed. I am happy there because the supervisor is very cleared on deadlines. If there is work that he didn’t specify a deadline then my supervisor is quite lenient on his team. The designers at the department work great together because we can ask each other questions and ask for help when we need to. I hope for this week’s internship I would be able to finish the two covers, so that I can get some feedback from my supervisor Stanley and other designers as well.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Kenneth Journal Entry #5

So after showing my work to every one over a week I got an email about a new job. Which was to create a main icon, and a user interface screens. For a company that was making an educational game app called Kids Math Healthy. That basically helped kids learn math and to eat healthy. So we then met at the office and hit the drawing board. We started sketching ideas for the icons. While doing this I realized how good working in groups is in the business world. Even though I had worked in groups in school I never really got to work in a good group. I always had one or two partners who would just coast along projects. Not with these guys, we were feeding off each other and coming up with ideas quick. After a two to three hours, we had completed a couple of great sketches. We then moved on to the user interface screens and I went the same way. We had come up with about 4 layouts. Which were very quickly sketched. I was then told to take the Sketches home with me to refine them and to email them back after I was done. So I did as I was told so, and then they gave me the green light. So I illustrated 2 of the user interface screens, and App Icon on computer. I completed the illustrations within two days, and they were very pleased with the work that I did.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal #5 october 22

Last week and this week, I continued work on the Sony Masterworks Web Project. Masterworks was in the process of a new web design. They would simply like some ideas/suggestions/colors/fonts to get started.

1.  Sony Music Masterworks “landing page” 

2.  Home page layout for Masterworks

Masterworks is a haven for artsy, creative music. It varies with artists like Yo-Yo Ma and Tedeschi Trucks Band

3. Home page for Portrait

Casual, playful yet sophisticated

Artists so far: Piano Guys, Megan Hilty, Jackie Evancho

I was already seeing that it was so much work involve in this project without giving me any information. My Art Director just gave me a logo and document with writing called wireframe. Technically this wasn’t a traditional wireframe. Wireframe consist with writing, drawing, and composition. Wireframe give certain ideas to designer to create graphic element to place it in right place but the wireframe that I was working with nothing close to that. So I was confused but took a challenge and moved forward. I gave her three different layout for landing page, eight different layouts for Sony Masterworks home page and four different layouts for Portrait homepage. I am going to have a critique next time when I meet. In meantime hopefully everything works for me.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

My First Week as Web Intern

My first week as a web intern was great. Now I’m beginning to have these feelings of what it is to intern for an actual company. It’s an awesome feel but also nerve-wreaking since I have to prove how worthy I am to be their web intern and not mess up for them and their reputation. Of course, I have to be positive about this, be glad I got this internship, and don’t think about messing up this amazing opportunity I have now.

I met with my boss at their cubicle at Sunshine Suites and he spoke with me about their company, their mission, and the website they want me to build for them. He gave me some samples and pictures of what should be on the website as well as how the website should look like. We had a great discussion as we both brought ideas on what looks best for the site, what colors we should use and avoid, how the pictures should be cropped at, and what typefaces should be used to give the site more appeal. My boss did have some knowledge when it comes to web design but my help and ideas to making the site look more appealing made this exciting and fun.

My goal for this week is to design their website with the instructions I jotted down from him and have them finished by the end of this weekend. It’s going to be a busy week for me but I’ll definitely be sure to spend my time this week working on the site mockups. Also, I need to make a planner to ensure what hours I should spend on both this website project and my homework. Shouldn’t be too much of a hassle for me to figure out, I guess?

– Thomas M

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.