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Journal Entry #10

Time has been passing so rapidly. This has been another week dedicated to getting everything prepared for IMATS. After the displays Melissa gave me another assignment, which was to design a simple banner. The banner is going to be displayed on the focal table of the Lip bar station for IMATS. She wanted an all white design but I also did a black version so it would be true to the design aesthetics of the company. She had asked me to include the company logo, the company website, and the phrase “Cosmetics for the health conscious consumer.” After I finished with the design she gave me one minor revision. She asked me to remove the red box and also make the website type size a bit bigger. She also gave me two more assignments, which was to design five by nine inch post cards. The purpose of the first post card was to make potential buyers away of the two for thirty-five dollars, and four for sixty-four dollar specials. The purpose of the second postcard was to bring attention to the free Lip bar pen buyers can receive by simply following the Lip bar’s Instagram page, as well as liking the Lip bar’s Facebook fan page. After I finished those designs Melissa had asked me to deliver a package to the post office as well as pick up six frames from the arts and craft store. After I returned Melissa showed me the printed information card I designed earlier and thanked me.  I have to admit I felt pretty happy to know my work was going to be handed out to people at IMATS. It felt really good to see hard work pay off. I am just hoping in the future I can do some photoshoots. I also hope my designs will improve.

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Journal 10

I didn’t get any assignments from my supervisor during this week internship, because he was too busy to other business. Since he didn’t have time to request a meeting with me, he asked me to put my works which I had done last week in the drop box. He looked at it and left some comments when he had time. Therefore, I was free in this week. I thought it was time to organize the files and works I had done so far. I decided to collect the files from Wedding Hills Company first, my first part of internship. Forgot to mention, I became a part time graphic designer in the wedding company. Because my supervisor from Wedding Hills had some personal reasons, he needed to go back China for few months. I had that opportunity to take over his job temporary. However, all of my design had to get proof from the boss before I showed to clients. I appreciated my boss gave me this opportunity. In addition, I asked my boss to get permission that putting some designs in my journal, but he said I only could show part of them. There were two clients I served were governors, I got limited to show their photos to public. I looked through the works from my first week to last week, it had a huge differences. I can see the change between unfamiliar to mature, especially my albums design. I still remembered I needed to redesign every page after I showed to my supervisor. Even now I still needed to rearrange my design, but only few pages. I thought I had an improvement being a graphic designer of wedding studio.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal 9

This week I finished eight articles lay out design. Last week, my supervisors asked me to redesign some pages layout from each section, and see how they look while combine in one magazine. I decided to pick one article from each section that I thought it had lots of improvement in its design. In addition, we had a conversation about whether using three columns grid or two columns grid in a small size magazine. My supervisor concerted about audiences might hard to read the words in three columns layout, however in my point of view, there are more capability and spaces to design the layout in three columns grids. At the results, my supervisor received my suggestion, and wanted to hear more professional opinions, such as other designers and my professors. I told Professor Mason about this conversation, and wanted to get more professional advisement. He agreed my idea which three columns also could work in small size magazine. After Professor Mason looked at my design, he also gives me some suggestions while during page layout. While designing a lot of text, do not just leave the text sit there, people got tired and boring while they read. It is better to edit some design to make audiences’ eyes jump, such as editing a pull quote. I translated the opinions and suggestion back to my supervisors, he was glad to hear these, and he will bring this topic to the next meeting with other magazine’s partners.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal 8

This was my first week internship in Asian Fusion magazine. My supervisor is called Rick; he is the editor in chief of the magazine. Because they didn’t provide workspace to me, I had to work at home. My supervisor asked me to go the office and present my works to him every week. Since the articles and photos for the coming winter issue were not ready yet, Rick wanted me to redesign the fall issue of the magazine. He wanted to see how I can improve the original design. The magazine became more popular; he would like to upgrade the style of this magazine in order to look more upscale and professional. Therefore, he wanted to see more variation from other designers. After I took the files which from last section, my second part of internship were begin. I decided to work on their feature section first. All information had to fit in six pages. I changed to three columns instead of two, use Arial font in the text and redesign the position of the tile. After I fished the layout design, I found there are no connections of each page; I decided to add an element to make them look unity. I edited an illustration of camera lens as the background in each page, because the feature’s tile was “A Photographer’s Lens”. And then I continued to work on the content page. After three days, my supervisor asked me to present the works I had done so far. He liked the change which I did and let me continue to work on other section.

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Learning As a Web Intern

It’s my second week as a web intern for the small business company at Sunshine Suites. My boss held a meeting with me and his client to discuss about the web mockups I have built. In this meeting, I and my boss spoke about the concepts and ideas that came about for the mockups that are simple, clean, and user-friendly for anybody visiting the site can understand. These included the images, colors, typography, navigation, and legibility for the site. After about an hour of discussion, my boss’s client was pleased with the mockups and definitely would like to see this in full when the mockups are complete. I was very excited to hear about this.

Most of the feedback they gave me about my web mockups were positive. I was very grateful to hear this since it took me a couple of days to have these mockups set and completed for this meeting. I did a ton of work doing these mockups and it was great to hear how much they liked them. However, this was only the beginning for me and working on these mockups. Now I have to include content and make changes to them so they match with the instructions that were given by my boss. These instructions included the images and navigation of how the mockups should look at final form. What I have was the bases of what it should look like; now I have to ensure to add the content, navigation, and other parts to them and have this finished as soon as possible. It is going to be rough trying to make these as perfect as possible to my boss’s liking but with enough confidence, I am sure to make my boss excessively proud of my work.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

Roy’s Internship Journey: Week 10

My client and I arranged a meeting during the week to discuss my following assignments. Now that all the necessary photos are retouched and done, I was given the task to focus on the website. She wants me to create navigational icons for the web’s clothing categories. The dimensions for the icons are 255×155 pixels. She told me I have to be careful with the dimensions because the website will automatically scale and distort the icons. The color scheme she is leaning towards, falls under the earth tones. She also requested for me to create banners that will slide across the middle of the page. There will be a total of five banners (608×271 pixels), which will interactive with each other and form a unified banner. I’m expected to complete both task by the end of the week.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

10st Journal

This week is my last week to be an intern to work for L and L, and I feel a bit upset while I back to office today. It has been two months that I am working here, now is time to leave when the end of this week.

George asked me to do the flyer for Christmas, he said he want the holiday feeling about this flyer. My first reaction is: holiday feeling? For me, it means red, color full, and snow. I sketched the outline, then start work on computer. This project is easy, because I like Christmas, and I like to do a flyer about this lovely holiday. I used red color as background, use light ball sharps to fill with pictures and different color that easy to type text on, it can make it more visible. On the bottom, I use two different yellow colors to fill the shopping bag, since this flyer have four different tours inside, and one of it is the shopping tour.  George didn’t ask me to change anything for the first time, when I showed it to him. I feel happy during this week even I have to leave so soon.

On the last day of my work, I have received a gift from George gave me a gift it is a 32G USB. He didn’t say too much to me, only said: “ hopefully you have learn something here, keep on your future.” I packed my stuff, then walked to him room and leave my business card to him that I wrote Thank You behind the card.




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9st Journal

Time pass fast, and my intern still have two more weeks left. I feel not really want to end so soon, after I got more and more close to each one in this office. For this week, George asked me to do a poster for two different tours.

I have learned that I need to do the research of Tennessee and Acadia before I sketch the ideas. I spent two days to find the most beautiful pictures and asked the tour guide where will be the place most people like from the tour. I tried to do a combination poster this time by used the Adobe Photoshop. I used five different pictures create a feeling of heaven, which has sky, ego for the white background. Since I don’t use Adobe Photoshop a lot, so I already forgot some of the skills, then I need to go up YouTube to remind how to do it. I have used the maple leafs for background, because this poster is to promotion in Fall, so I guess maple leafs is the best way to do it since both of place can see the maple leafs during the tour. I mean to make the price number out of the yellow circle to make people only can see the $10, then they will find out the actual price once they check the poster again. Last step is type the company logo and contract information.  George said no need to have company logo and contract information this time, but leave our company name is fine. He told me this poster is for company display while I was wondering why not leave the logo and contract information.

I believe I am getting better to be an intern in L and L now.

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Journal Entry #9

As of now we are still in the process of preparing for IMATs. This week I managed to finish both the information card as well as the three displays. I realized from this week I lost a lot of my design inspiration due to both lack of sleep, and stress. Having back-to-back assignments can be extremely exhausting! Especially when you have to balance work, and school along with this internship. Welcome to the life of a designer right? Moving along from this whiny moment, I am extremely filled with joy regarding the fact that I finished all three Lipstick displays. I feel there is still room for improvement but there is always time for change. The process was pretty tedious. Melissa did not have a lot of pictures to choose from. She had mentioned at the beginning of the project that she will allow me to do a Photoshoot of my own since we didn’t have enough files but unfortunately due to the limited amount of time, we had no choice but to settle with the photos she already had. I advised her to choose models from different ethnicities so the products can reach out towards a broader audience.  As a result all the photos I selected had one Asian, Hispanic, and black model. I would have preferred the original photo I chose for the black model due to her darker complexion but me Melissa did not find the photo appealing. I found the whole conversation pretty ironic because I did not find the Hispanic photo she chose “appealing”. This situation just reminded me of the ever so popular saying, “Whatever the client wants”. She wanted specific colors to standout on the displays for some of the models I had to alter the lipstick color in Photoshop. From there I added some body copy and made sure to have a unified piece.

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Internship at L&L

This week at my internship at L&L Travel Inc. my supervisor Stanley reviewed my work on the covers for the brochure of West Coast and Yellowstone Park. He gave me a new assignment afterward. He told me to try to design the East Coast and Miami flyer cover pages. He told me to research and study previous designs. He wanted to keep the same designs but change it briefly. I looked at the designs on the computer, and I walked throughout the company looking at the printed versions of the cover page of the destinations.  After researching I started to plan out the cover and how I’m going to lay everything out. I gathered all the references I needed and began to work. I’m currently on my second draft because I scraped the first one since it didn’t go the way I wanted.

This week my experience at my internship was very easy going. This week went by quicker than usual. My workload at my internship felt lighter. I also had some help from other designers and co-workers there on my designs. I had some time to work on my work for Portfolio class during break time, and my supervisor Stanley said it looked nice and clean.  He also said I can print out work on the laser printer there, but for office work only. In conclusion this week was good, and I hope next week will be a continuation of a good experience just like this week and the company.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.