First Journal

I was recently hired by Quesbook to be their Junior UI Designer. It has been a honor to get the job and I feel very grateful. The process took about 2 weeks and I went through many interviews. It took me 1 phone interview and 3 in-person interviews with the Art Director, Recruit Director and CEO of the company. I was very nervous, but I enjoyed it after the 3 hour long process. I felt confident that I had a high possibility to get the job and I ended up landing it.

Let me tell you a bit about Quesbook.  The company is privately owned by Chinese Investors. The companies primary business is to make SAT/ACT prep affordable for students and allow great results. The company is located in a WeWork office located across the street from Grand Central Station. The company has 11 employees in NYC and more in China. Their main clients would be highschool students who are trying to prepare themselves to take the SAT/ACT test. The company was founded in 2014 by a Chinese investor who’s child was struggling to find sources to prepare themselves for the SAT/ACT. They wanted to get prepared and come get a college education in the USA.

I work for their design department. The company is a start up and has no recent news about it.

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