Hi everyone,

The homework due yesterday from Chapter 4 has been graded and returned (you can view your grade in the OpenLab Gradebook, and the comments contain a link to your graded work). Overall, you’ve done a great job with your first foray into writing proofs! A few comments:

Point values: In general, odd numbered problems are worth 4 points and even numbered problems are worth 8 points. (Solutions to odd problems can be found in the back of the book – going forward, odd problems may be given less scrutiny in grading).

My comments: I’ve tried to give a good amount of feedback – sometimes this involves suggestions (like using one word over another) which don’t count against your point total, and sometimes points are deducted. All comments should be considered feedback for you as you work on your proof-writing – keep trying!

Let me know if you have any questions.

Prof. Reitz