2021 Fall – MAT 2571 – Introduction to Proofs – Reitz

active 2 years, 7 months ago
2021 Fall – MAT 2571 – Introduction to Proofs – Reitz
This Course is OPEN.
Course Code
Semester / Year
Fall 2021
Course Description

MAT 2571 prepares students for an advanced mathematics curriculum by providing a foundation to proofs in abstract mathematics. Topics include propositional and first order logic, axiomatic approach to number theory, set theory, and abstract properties of relations, with a particular emphasis on number theory. The course focuses on the processes of mathematical argumentation and reasoning, deduction, and discovery.


This course was created by: Jonas Reitz

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[…] between 3pm-5pm (you may choose any 2-hour window within this period to log in and take […] See MoreComment on "Final Exam announcement"

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Comment on "Final Exam announcement"

[…] Our final exam will take place on Thursday, 12/16/21, between 3pm-7pm. Details can be […] See MoreComment on "Final Exam announcement"