The table below shows the schedule of topics (including WeBWorK assignments) for the semester. It was updated on 10/6 to reflect our current progress, and may be updated again as the semester progresses (the original schedule is shown on the right, for your reference).

DayDateTopic - UPDATED 10/5HomeworkProject MilestonesTopic - ORIGINAL SCHEDULE
18/26/2021Sec 1.1: SetsSec 1.1 p.7: 1, 12, 19, 26, 29, 35Sec 1.1: Sets
28/31/2021Sec 1.2, 1.3: Cartesian Products, Subsets
(Webwork 1)Sec 1.2, 1.3: Cartesian Products, Subsets
39/2/2021Sec 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7: Set operations(Webwork 2)Sec 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7: Set operations
9/7/2021No Classes 9/3-9/8No Classes 9/3-9/8
49/9/2021Sec 1.7, 1.8, 2.1: Collections of setsSec 1.8 p.29: 3, 5, 6, 8Sec 1.7, 1.8, 2.1: Collections of sets
59/14/2021Sec 2.1, 2.2, 2.3: Statements (and, or, not, if)(Webwork 3)Sec 2.1, 2.2, 2.3: Statements (and, or, not, if)
9/16/2021No Classes 9/15-9/16No Classes 9/15-9/16
69/21/2021Sec 2.4, 2.5, 2.6: Biconditional, Truth tables, Logical equivalence(Webwork 3)Sec 2.4, 2.5, 2.6: Biconditional, Truth tables, Logical equivalence
79/23/2021Sec 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11: Quantifiers, Translation, Negation(Webwork 4)Sec 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11: Quantifiers, Translation, Negation
89/28/2021(finish Negations)
Exam 1 Review
Sec 3.1-3.4: Lists, factorials
99/30/2021EXAM 1 (through 2.6)Assign Deliverable #1 - OpenLab - introduce PuzzleEXAM 1 (through 2.6)
1010/5/2021Sec 3.1-3.4: Lists, factorials (Webwork 5)10 min inclass - questions about puzzle?Sec 3.5, 3.6: Counting subsets, Binomial Theorem
(Chapter 4: Direct Proof)
1110/7/2021Sec 3.5, 3.6: Counting subsets, Binomial Theorem
(Chapter 4: Direct Proof)
(finish Webwork 5)Chapter 4: Definitions, Basic facts
1210/12/2021Chapter 4: Definitions, Basic factsChapter 4: 1, 6, 7, 15, 16Deliverable #1 due.
Deliverable #2 - group work in class - play with puzzle in group (30 min)
Assign Deliverable #3 - OpenLab - read & create conjecture
Chapter 4: Direct proof
1310/14/2021Chapter 4: Direct proof
Topics in Number Theory #1: Divisibility, Division Algorithm
1410/19/2021Topics in Number Theory #1: Divisibility, Division AlgorithmChapter 4: 4, 5, 10, 11Chapter 5: Contrapositive Proof
1510/21/2021Chapter 5: Contrapositive ProofChapter 5: 1, 4, 9Deliverable #3 - bring conjecture to class
Deliverable #4 - group work in class - choose a conjecture to work on (40 min)
Topics in Number Theory #2: GCD, Euclid's Lemma
1710/26/2021Topics in Number Theory #2: GCD, Euclid's LemmaGCD Problems:
Chapter 4: 27, 28
Chapter 5: 29, 31
Chapter 6: Proof by contradiction
Topics in Number Theory #3: Applying Euclid's Lemma
1610/28/2021EXAM 2Assign Deliverable #5 - OpenLab - Proof JournalEXAM 2
1811/2/2021Chapter 6: Proof by contradiction
Topics in Number Theory #3: Applying Euclid's Lemma
Chapter 6: 3,4,5,8,9("What is Truth" activity?)Chapter 7: If-and-only-if proofs; existence proofs
1911/4/2021Chapter 7: If-and-only-if proofs; existence proofsChapter 7: 5, 6, 7, 9, 12Topics in Number Theory #4: Infinitude of Primes, Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
2011/9/2021Topics in Number Theory #4: Infinitude of Primes, Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic(Chapter 8 - see below)Deliverable #5 - OpenLab - Proof Journal due.
Inclass - group meetings with instructor
Assign Group paper (1)
Chapter 8: Proofs involving sets
2111/11/2021Chapter 8: Proofs involving setsChapter 8: 3, 4, 7, 18, 19, 20Chapter 9: Disproof
2211/16/2021Chapter 9: DisproofChapter: 3, 4, 5Inclass - group meetings with instructor (2)
Assign Group Presentation
Chapter 10: Induction (introduction)
2311/18/2021Chapter 10: Induction (introduction)Chapter 10: 1, 2, 5, 10, 15Chapter 10: Induction (examples)
2411/23/2021EXAM 3 (Through Chp 10)Deliverable #6 - group paper initial draft due in classEXAM 3 (Through Chp 10)
11/25/2021College Closed 11/25-11/28College Closed 11/25-11/28
2511/30/2021Chapter 10: Induction (examples)Topics in Number Theory #5: Strong induction examples
2612/2/2021Topics in Number Theory #5: Strong induction examplesHandout: Theorems NT 5.2, 5.3Deliverable #7 - group paper final draft due in class
Deliverable #8 - inclass group presentations (2-3 per day)
Sec 11.1, 11.2: Relations and their properties
2712/7/2021Sec 11.1, 11.2: Relations and their properties Section 11.1: 3,4
(Webwork 6)
Deliverable #8 - inclass group presentations (2-3 per day)Topics in Number Theory #6: Equivalence Classes, equivalence relations, congruence mod n
2812/9/2021Topics in Number Theory #6: Equivalence Classes, equivalence relations, congruence mod nSection 11.2: 12, 13, 16
In addition, complete Example 11.8 at the top of p182.
Topics in Number Theory #7: Closure properties of congruence mod n
12/13/2021Last Day to Drop with a 'W' gradeLast Day to Drop with a 'W' grade
2912/14/2021Topics in Number Theory #7: Closure properties of congruence mod nSection 11.5: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
Handout: Theorem NT 6.2, 6.3
Topics in Number Theory #8 (select from optional topics): Divisibility tests, Linear Congruences, Fermat's Theorem.
Final Exam Review
3012/16/2021FINAL EXAMDeliverable #9 - reflection - due in classFINAL EXAM

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