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Author: Argelia Treadwell (Page 5 of 5)

” I Just Wanna Be Average” By: Mike Rose / ” Broken English Im Articulate” By: Jamila Lyiscott

While reading ” I Just Wanna Be Average” By Mike Rose I found various things interesting. He speaks about his academic experiences how he went from having a terrible experience to him find him realizing he wanted to continue his education. Durning his academic journey in high school he was placed in vocational classes which was a big difference from college prep. Teachers in vocational weren’t very qualified, the teachers didn’t do anything to engage in the imaginations of kids that were already having trouble in school. The author managed to get by, he learning how to be half alert, meaning paying just enough attention to get by. His  junior year he was transferred to college prep. Which he was not prepared for, he felt as if everything looked familiar liked he learned it once before but somehow he wasn’t sure anymore. He was also going through a family crisis. His father had just passed away, when his english teacher came into his life. MacFraland’s was a great teacher which kept all his students intrigued, and helped the author find his passion for reading and motivated him to further his education and go to college.

Watching the video “Broken English Im Articulate” By Jamila Lyiscott I found her video very fascinating. The way she viewed speaking broken english was very intriguing. She explained that speaking broken english is okay and I resinate with that because I also speak broken english at times. I tend to use a lot of slang words when I speak. She also says ” Even articulate Americans sound foolish to the British.” I think that’s a great comparison to what ” articulate Americans ” view people that speak broken english.

I think these two authors Mike Rose and Jamila Lyiscott Illustrate their points in similar ways. Both Authors Illustrate their negative views in their article. Mike rose Illustrates his negative views on education and the way the system should do more to engage students in learning for those students who are just getting by. Jamila Lyiscott also illustrates her negative views on speaking broken English. She explains how society views people speaking broken english. They viewing people as ignorant or ghetto.

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