A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit 2 topic

I know that throughout this pandemic, the amount of stress that doctors have been going through have gone through the roof. A lot of brave doctors and nurses have been putting their own life at risk to save others, I decided that this will be the topic that I will be discussing about. How are they coping with this situation at work and at home? what steps have they taken to keep themselves sane from every patient coming in over COVID? How has this affected their own mental health? How has the amount of deaths impacted them ? Doctors have already been through extreme amount of stress throughout school, its shown how upcoming doctors feel more of the amount of stress during their studies, many are drawn to drop out because of the amount of difficulties and challenges that may come with the study. I will be looking into further research on their experiences before and after COVID

Ill be looking through sites such as


1 Comment

  1. Jessica

    I think this topic is great. I have been wondering how doctors and nurses are doing after a wave up patients getting so sick and many passing away. It would be great to do this kind of research to see how these people were also affected.

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