Where I’m from I wake up to the smell of pan dulce y chocolate. That warm smell that always makes me feel at home. Where I’m from the temperature determines how the day will go. The hotter the weather the hotter the block is. Where I’m from every day is a party outside. Where people play loud music until 4am. Where I’m from in Staten island making out the hood is the goal. That sadly not everyone prevails in. Where I’m from you see people working hard to make ends meet. The struggle of having two jobs and not being able to have enough time for anything else but bills. Where I’m from seeing someone getting shot across the street from your house is common. Hearing a mother, father, sibling, or spouse cry outside your window never becomes easier. Where I’m from the system failing you is expected. Where I’m from is not somewhere I want to raise my children. It’s a place I hope to make it out of soon enough.