Brandon Estevez 


My thought process on education keeps on changing as I keep going through life even now. One of the main reasons why is because the way we learn keeps on changing and improving for better or worse. Education is constantly changing during modern society and being able to learn that can help you in so many different ways. The skills people learn based on what kind of education you require tend to help either you, people or society in general. As my life continues I was always told that there are multiple paths because as society grows the need for different types of education is needed creating multiple paths. My thought process on education was that  if you decided to learn or study something new it would reward you whether it would benefit you now or later in the future. I’m going to be sharing the moment in which I decided what kind of school I was going to be attending. I always thought that this was important because some high schools have unique things that are specific to them and serve as a little experience to other major decisions regarding the type of education you are looking for or the sense of direction that it will take you.