davidsmith’s Profile

Music Composition, Virtual Orchestra, Blended Reality, Immersive sound, Interactivity, Virtual Environments, games-based learning, Interprofessional Education,
David B Smith is a professor in the Department of Entertainment Technology.
He was founding chair of Entertainment Technology, and then Dean of the School of Professional Studies.
He is active as a composer, sound designer, violin machine operator, and inventor.
He is particularly interested in the integration of activities across as broad a spectrum of stakeholders as possible
My Courses
This course is a hands-on introduction to the best practices for production techniques used in games, interactive and tangible media product development. Students will acquire a deep understanding of content generation, technology pipeline and delivery systems for creating web, mobile, games, virtual & augmented reality, interactive installation and museum display, wearables and physical computing. Students will learn the roles and responsibilities, build the skills for each role, as well as apply the design and development processes for each medium. They will be introduced to design thinking and rapid prototyping techniques, as well the green light process essential to bringing a product to market. The structure of this course emphasizes an integrated and multi-modal approach to game design, interactive media and physical computing with modeled instruction and practice in the technical aspects of production.
Music Synthesis and Sampling
This hands-on course explores the principles of sound and note generation in music technology. Study begins with an investigation of the historical and theoretical backgrounds of synthesis. Students will then learn how to program on a variety of different synthesis and sampler engines using additive, subtractive, AM, FM, wavetable, granular and modeling synthesis techniques. Work will include both software and hardware based systems. The second half of the course covers topics and principles of digital audio sampling as it applies to music technology. Students will engage in a variety of activities including sample creation, editing, looping, reference pitch, file formats, and import/export. Once these building blocks are created, they will be integrated into keymaps, instruments, patches, and banks. During the process, students will explore differences between sampler engines and techniques and identify the pros and cons. The course will conclude with a presentation of student’s work to the class and instructor.
Introduction to Entertainment Technology
An introduction to the live entertainment technology industry including working methods; processes, equipment and facilities for theatre, opera, dance, concert productions; theme parks; themed retail; cruise ship venues and corporate special events. Related current events and career opportunities will be discussed. Attendance at several of the type of events listed above is required.
My Projects
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Entertainment Introduction to ENT Technology
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