Hey everybody! I have a confession – I made a mistake planning our schedule. I thought that CUNY’s policy was to not hold classes during exam sessions unless giving a formal exam, but that’s actually Pratt’s policy.

This means Tuesday, May 16 is NOT our last class session. We will have class on May 19 (Friday) and May 23 (Tuesday).

I have decided to use the extra days for a make-up assignment. As stated on the syllabus, Participation and Attendance are 20% of your total grade for the semester. You get two “free” absences, and each absence after that reduces this grade by 10% – or 2% of your total semester grade. That means that if you have 12 or more (unexcused) absences, you’re losing 20% off your final grade – this is the difference between an A and a C+ (or between a C+ and an F).

If you have four or fewer absences and have completed all projects, you are fully excused from class May 19 and 23. (You are free to attend if you want.)

For everyone else, attendance and completion of the make-up project is mandatory, but will also boost your final grade by up to 10% (or the equivalent of 5 absences). In class, we’re going to look at the relationship between still images and movement (one of my professional specialties