Date Agenda Homework
1.27 ·   introductions

·   review syllabus and supply list

acquire supplies/materials from list
1.31 ·   assign Project 1: Lost and Found

·   lecture: figure/ground and negative space

·   take photos for project

post “Step 1 – Discover” of Lost and Found project to OpenLab
2.3 ·   review “Step 1 – Discover” homework

·   lecture: compositional movement and balance

·   begin sketches for Lost and Found project

·   tips for photographing your work

post “Step 2 – Draft” of Lost and Found project
2.7 ·   review “Step 2 – Draft” homework, select top two images

·   painting day: basics of painting with acrylics

·   start “Step 3 – Paint” of Lost and Found project

work on “Step 3 – Paint” (prepare paper, reproduce sketch outlines, apply base wash, etc.)
2.10 ·   painting day: work on Lost and Found project

·   demonstrate spray mount on illustration board (method for presenting physical work)

complete Lost and Found project, post “Step 4 – Present”
2.14 ·   Project 1: Lost and Found DUE

·   assign Project 2: Pattern Portrait

·   lecture: form and line

·   introduction to Adobe Illustrator: interface, layers, stroke, fill, the pen tool

·   shape tracing exercise

post “Step 1 – Source” for Pattern Portrait to OpenLab
2.17 ·   lecture: digital image formats and applications

·   introduction to Photoshop: interface, resolution, saving and exporting

·   Illustrator: importing images, image trace, object groups, working with control points, saving and exporting

·   apply techniques to “Step 2 – Convert”

post “Step 2 – Convert” of Pattern Portrait to OpenLab
2.24 ·   lecture: patterns and tessellation

·   Illustrator: outline strokes, compound paths, making, applying, and creating patterns

·   begin “Step 3 – Palette” of Pattern Portrait

post “Step 3 – Palette” of Pattern Portrait to OpenLab
2.28 ·   preparing a file for print, and cutting/mounting printed materials

·   share/discuss palettes from Step 3

·   demonstrate pathfinder/compound paths in Illustrator

·   apply patterns to portrait, adjust scale/orientation and revise design if needed

finish Pattern Potrait, print and mount completed project, post “Step 4 – Present” to OpenLab
3.3 ·   Project 2: Pattern Portrait DUE

·   lecture: color relationships, “standard” color schemes, tint/tone/shade and color emphasis

·   painting day: color wheel and tint/tone/shade scales

·   assign Project 3: Living Room

·   begin work in class on “Step 1 – Analyze”

complete “Step 1 – Analyze” of Living Room project and post to OpenLab
3.7 ·   lecture: synesthesia and color psychology

·   painting day: visualizing music

complete “Step 2 – Brainstorm” of Living Room project and post to OpenLab
3.10 ·   perform Step 1: Inspiration and Research for Project 3 (find image, list associated products, draft post, discuss in groups) draft three versions of your final design direction for “Step 3 – Iterate” and post to OpenLab
3.14 ·   lecture: optical mixing and process color

·   painting day: swatch game

3.17 ·   identifying and essentializing visual elements (group activity)

·   identify and essentialize visual elements from Project 3, add to template, post to OpenLab

·   discuss color palettes and graphic elements in groups; begin final pattern designs

draft three original pattern ideas for Project 3 for review during next class
3.21 ·   review Project 3 drafts, begin digitization

·   moodboards and “informal” graphic layouts

print and mount completed Living Room mood board, post “Step 4 – Present” to OpenLab
3.24 ·   Project 3: Living Room DUE

·   assign Project 4: Album Art

·   lecture: photomontage and the photo as graphic

3.28 ·   Project 3 Critique

·   clip and scan photomontage materials for Album Art project

·   Photoshop: selections, layer masks, and quick masks, basic brush settings

·   work on “Step 2 – Sourcing Images” of Album Art project to collect and digitize your imagery

·   inform students of midterm grades

3.31 ·   Photoshop: placing, duplicating, and transforming, adjustment layers and clipping masks, blend modes

·   choose final design direction, begin work on “Step 3 – Final Draft” of Album Art

complete “Step 3 – Drafts and Refinement” of Album Art and post to OpenLab
4.4 ·   review “Step 3 – Drafts and Refinement” in groups

·   complete Album Art project

print and mount completed Album Art project, post “Step 4 – Final Version” to OpenLab
4.14 ·   Project 4: Album Art DUE

·   assign Project 5: Photo-Illustration

·   introduction to photo-illustration: selections, adjustment layers and clipping masks

post “Step 1 – Research” of Photo-Illustration project to OpenLab
4.18 ·   photo-illustration: blend modes, shading, and custom brushes

·   begin draft comp of photo-illustration project

finish draft comp for photo-illustration project
4.21 ·   photo-illustration: advanced color correction, image unification

·   refine draft comps

complete Project 5, post “Step 3 – Present” to OpenLab
4.25 ·   Project 5: Photo-Illustration DUE

·   assign Project 6: Portfolio/Zine

·   lecture: layout styles and applications

if you plan to make a zine, post the topic questionnaire from the assignment sheet to OpenLab as “Step 0 – Background”
4.28 ·   introduce Adobe InDesign: document setup, view mode, placing elements, packaging/exporting files

·   print resolution and image guidelines

·   collect images for “Step 1 – Curate” of the Portfolio/Zine project, resizing/reformatting if necessary

finish and post “Step 1 – Curate” for the Portfolio/Zine project to OpenLab
5.2 ·   InDesign: typography, packaging fonts

·   develop type treatment for Portfolio/Zine

·   begin work on “Step 2 – Draft Layouts”

finish and post “Step 2 – Draft Layouts” to OpenLab
5.5 ·   InDesign: aligning and distributing, using guides and page masters

·   work on final cover design for “Step 3 – Cover” of Portfolio/Zine project

post “Step 3 – Cover” to OpenLab
5.9 ·   review progress on Portfolio/Zine project in discussion groups

·   InDesign: exporting for print

·   demonstrate staple-binding technique

refine Portfolio/Zine draft, finish laying out content

(study session/no set agenda)

complete Project 6: Portfolio/Zine; print, bind, and post “Step 4 – Publish” to OpenLab
5.16 ·   Project 6: Portfolio/Zine DUE

·   Critique projects, watch Brunchsquatch


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