Project 4 Proposals

Hi professor,

I hope you are feeling well and better. I have severalĀ proposals I came up with. 2 different concepts and 1 Bonus. I really really like the Alice in Hell one, so I really have my heart set on that. Here are the narratives, and have a good night and feel better too


  1. Story: Little Red Riding Hood.
  • Genre: Horror/ Teen Drama/ Fantasy
  • Setting: In NYC with a twist of future technology mixed with a fantasy such as gadgets, high-tech weaponry, and magic.
  • The story will be about Red Riding hood herself, who is half human and half demon, her name is ā€œScarletteā€ And by day sheā€™s a regular student in high school and by night sheā€™s a heroic vigilante that takes down monsters, demons, and other villains terrorizing the NYC Night. Using her high tech demonic scythe and super speed, she takes down the evil thatā€™s in her path.


  1. Story: Alice in Wonderland
  • Setting: In the current time of London England today with a twist of steampunk, and zombies.
  • Genre: Horror/ Mystery/ Fantasy
  • The story will revolve around a teenage version of Alice. Her parents sent her to a boarding school in London England because sheā€™s a rebel and is rocking her half goth/ steampunk look. All of a sudden, her school is corrupted by zombies and demons rising from the depth of Hell. While trying to escape Alice falls into a Hell Hole, and was granted demon powers by a demon mad hatter and her goal is to kill all the zombies and ghouls in her way and must find the evil Zombie queen and chop off her head in order to be freed from hell and for London to return back to the way it was or else London and world will die.



Bonus Round:Ā  Story: Mulan

  • Setting: NYC. Near or in the future for War with Korea
  • Genre: Horror/ Fantasy
  • The story will revolve around Mulan, she and her family Immigrated from China when she was just a baby. During her time in America she hears and seeā€™s the evil terror of Kim Jon Un, because of this it sparks her to fight against evil, She becomes a police officer and a secret spy, later in America needed people to who signed up to join the ARMY, Mulan was going to sign up but her family was highly against it, and they told her if she returns she will be dishonored. She fought against North Korea and won, but when she came home her family dishonored her, then later on she was kidnapped by North Korean soldiers and was tortured and left to die, Mulan was about to die and swore her vengeance upon North Korea and anyone evil in her way, She was granted demon powers by a demon dragon spirit named MUU-SHUU. With her demonic powers, she fights against the evil that stands in her way.


Project 4 proposal


Assignment 4

HiĀ Profesor, hope you are feeling better. I chose the Muffin Man, it is technically a nursery rhyme. I remembered some of the examples being nurses rhymes. Let me know if I need to pick something else.

Proposal 1

Genre: Mystery/ Thriller

Would involve the different food ingredients wanting to track down their missing family members who the muffin man had abducted. The setting would be a present-day kitchen and surrounding areas.

Proposal 2

Genre: Mafia/ Comic Noir

Set in a present-day New York type of city. Would involve the Muffin Man who had taken out fellow mafia members: The Butcher, The Baker and The Candlestick Maker who had all just been found dead in a tub.

Bradford Project 4 Proposals

Story: Red Riding Hood

Proposal 1

  • Genre: Sci-Fi
  • Genderbent RRH
  • Audience: YA
  • Setting: Big City
  • The wolf is really human who worked security detail where Grandma is head of the company. He is programed by the Powers That Be to be seen as a ferocious wolf by people who are not woke.
  • The items that RRH is tasked to deliver to Grandmother are merely disguised as food. In actuality its precious fuel found only in that forest area that is needed to keep powering the blanket “matrix” kept over the world.

Proposal 2

  • Genre: Suspense
  • Audience: YA
  • Genderbent RRH
  • RRH wakes up with no memory of who he is or where he is. Finds a carefully hidden note that tells him to seek out “Grandmother” and a few items sewn into his clothing. He ends up running into a hunter known only as The Wolf.

Story Proposal

Aurora appeared
John is a teenager, he joined a tour group to Canada, lqaluit, Nunavnt.
Travelers are stationed in the wild in order to see the northern lights,
The weather is very cold, they do not want out of the tent.
John shouted the northern lights appeared.
Everyone came out to see, but there are no Aurora.
The next day, he shouted the northern lights appeared.
Everyone came out to see, same as last day.
The next day, he shouted the northern lights appeared.
Everyone did not come out.
He and his new girlfriend had an Aurora dinner without interference.

The story is changed Ā fromĀ The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Aesop’s Fables

the setting isĀ similar as boy who cried wolf, just changed the balckground andĀ Time. And it comes out different fables thatĀ depends on readers’ understanding.

The character can be a blurry concept, a clever or Sly boy.


Project 4 – Proposals

Here is my proposal for project 4,Ā the handoutĀ said I was suppose to post it so here it is!

Story: Tortoise and the HareĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Author: Aesop

Proposal 1:

Change: Setting

  • The setting will be on a modern day race track
  • The main story will be similar to the original story: The only minor adjustments that will be placed are how the hare ā€œsleepsā€. He will be sleeping in his car dreaming about his next sponsorship. (I imagined the dialogue like this: Hey tortoise. Your car has no sponsors. You see all those brands on my car? That proves Iā€™m better… *While heā€™s sleeping* Green Giantā€¦ Sponsor meā€¦ Pleaseā€¦)
  • Audience: Children

Proposal 2:

Change: Genre ā€“ Horror

  • The setting will be in a haunted forest near the village. (village will be where the beginning challenge sequence occurs)
  • The story will be similar to the original story. When the rabbit decides to sleep spirits gather around him and abduct him into the *dramatic voice* SHADOW REALM (Iā€™m joking). But the haunted spirits will abduct the hare and the tortoise the new found champ, everybody doesnā€™t notice where the hare went.
  • Audience: Young Adult

If you want to know more, or hear me say “Shadow Realm” in my dramatic voice you can ask me in class. Thanks!

Final Final Pencil

Hi Professor,

I wasn’t happy with my final pencil so I redrew it. I adjusted the entire “game” layout and I included my thumbs. The thumbs are “swiping” and “turning” the dog. And, since it’s going to be a print I thought about how people hold a magazine (at least how I hold a magazine to look at the cover) and if you can get your hands on the magazine you can place your thumbs where my drawn thumbs are and it will feel like you are holding the controls on customizing this dog.

Considering that I had to explain it that probably means it has some flaws. Can you please tell me any revisions or tweaks I should make?






Overall Project Description:


Create an Editorial Illustration for use to accompany an article in a magazine, printed or online. This project is broken into stages with peer critique and critical feedback given at each stage, spanning 4 weeks in total.

  • The final illustration must be created using a limited palate of black, white, and one other color
  • It should be made using a combination of traditional drawing / inking skills and digital coloring.
  • Final art should be made to fit the real magazineā€™s specs. (Approx 9ā€ x12ā€)

Work will be judged on the clarity and cleverness of the overall concept, thoughtful utilization of composition, the use of value, and of course the skillfulness of overall technique.



  1. 50 % project gradeĀ SubmitĀ a PDF PROCESS BOOK guiding us through the project from inception to conclusion. Carefully SCAN your process work. This should include : Your Source Material, Ā Brainstorm, Thumbnails, Concept Sketches, Value Roughs, Related Sketchbook Work, and Final Art. Carefully Label all of your work so that your thought process is CLEAR. Be sure all of it is presented well: facing the right way, no shadows in the picture, good contrast, etc.
  2. 50 % project gradeĀ Submit a publication readyĀ 300 DPI JPEG of Final ART

