field assignment 2

Classic picture of a classic man by London Ladd. I felt a sense of ancestry and relief that he was not forgotten in the history books because he seemingly isn’t recognized nearly as often as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Rosa Parks. He played a key part in the abolition of slaves as a social reformer, abolitionist, speaker and a writer. Also a vice president. glad he isn’t forgotten


field trip assignment

Some girls are born to lead by Leuyen Pham represents a period as to when a girl is in a genre or career dominated by men can also have the ability to match them in skill in said subject,if not surpassed them. in this photo it even seems she does it in style also. seeing that the girl in front is the only one in bright color, while all the other men are in achromatic color. The sight of this gives me a great feeling of progression in society today, i also find it quite humorous.

Project #2 GET OUT THE VOTE by Giulia Bentoglio

Lets face it, this year 2016 election sucks so bad. However, as much as anyone hates it, its up to us citizens to vote on who do we think that should have the honor to be next president of the United States. On this second project, I had the total freedom to express my voice about this upcoming election, on which I personally believe that no matter whom you vote for we will sadly end up screwed up. On the Democrat side we have Hillary Clinton, Represented as a blue devil, While Donald Trump is represented In red. I wanted to get my word out for people to vote, but to chose wisely on which candidate they select, although they are sadly the same. While doing this project, I was heavenly inspired by Shepard Fairey, whom is the artist behind the famous “Obey” and Obama’s “Hope” poster. I am not an experienced illustrator using technology, however I love to edit  pictures through adobe Illustrator using Image trace and other help such as Photoshop. I completely enjoyed doing this project, and I hope everyone can relate through what I am trying to express with this poster.

Project 2 process book

Giulia Bentoglio Vote Final

Jingyi- Project 2

My headline is “your vote your voice”. General process took me about 3 hours to finish. I did the sketch in illustrator, and edit the text in indesign. Our group chose to use “futura” as the typeface, so the font I used is futura condensed. The most challenging part for me is to use pen tool of illustrator. I couldn’t control curve lines well, so I was spend much of time on that. Fortunately  the final art work does came out as I expect, and I like the combination of the blue background and white text.