Author Archives: Jaei Lee

Shelf Talker

Shelf Talker Team #5 Team #5 Jaei. Lee & Jocelyn Romero Blend of : 75% Cabernet Franc SĆ©neca Lake 2018 :Ā  Very clear, bright graniteĀ  Cherry, pomegranate, raspberry Pomegranate, high acid, hint of oak, balanced, bit tanin at the end, … Continue reading

Posted in Shelf Talkers, Team 5, Jaei L. and Joselyn R. | Tagged | 1 Comment

Student Blend Requisition

Jaei. Lee & Jocelyn Romero (Team #5)   Menu Item : Grilled Lamb ā€œSteaksā€ Hache with Ratatouille. Menu Description : ChoppedĀ  grilled lamb steak topped with tomato sauce Serving with roasted oven fingerlings, ratatouille including green & yellow squash, tomatoes, … Continue reading

Posted in Team 5, Jaei L. and Joselyn R. | Tagged | 1 Comment

Sommelier Speak

Team 5, Jaei Lee & Joselyn R.   Menu Item : Grilled Lamb ā€œSteaksā€ Hache with Ratatouille.   Description : ChoppedĀ  grilled lamb steak topped with tomato sauce Serving with roasted oven fingerlings, ratatouille including green & yellow squash, tomatoes, … Continue reading

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