Prof. Williams | ENG 1121 - HD18 | Spring 2022

Welcome, Students!

Dear Students,

Welcome to ENG 1121. I’m looking forward to getting to know you all over the course of the semester!

Please take some time to explore this OpenLab course site. Use the menu to explore the course information, activities, and help. As the course progresses, you will be adding your own work to the Student Work section.

Join this Course

Login to your OpenLab account and follow these instructions to join this course.

If you’re new to the OpenLab, follow these instructions to create an account and then join the course.

Remember that your username and display name can be pseudonyms, rather than your real name. Your avatar does not need to be a picture of your face–just something that identifies you on the OpenLab.


If you have any questions, reach out via email or in Office Hours. If you need help with the OpenLab, you can consult OpenLab Help or contact the OpenLab Community Team.

1 Comment

  1. Allyson Tapia

    My name is Allyson, academically I’m interested in getting into the dentistry field, specifically restorative dental. I’m very artistic and enjoy painting during my free time. Restorative dentistry will be a great fit for me since I am into art and details. Dental technology is art, science and technology combined together to create dental medical devices such as dental prosthesis and appliances for patients. During my free time I also enjoy watching movies, my favorite type of movies are psychological movies. I don’t like watching shows because I binge watch when I get into a show. I finished euphoria season 1 in just 2 days. I was completely hooked.

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