Prof. Williams | ENG 1121 - HD18 | Spring 2022

Discussion: Introductions

Please add a comment to this post introducing yourself to the class. In your comment, write a paragraph (approx. 100 words) discussing your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns if you wish).

Please add your introduction by 11:59 p.m on Monday 1/31.

Before our in-person class session on Wednesday 2/2, come back to our site and get to know your classmates! Reply to one of your classmates’ comments. Do you have something in common? Did you learn something? Be kind.


  1. Livleen

    My name is Livleen Bangar and I am an accounting major and I chose this because math is what I am best at compared to other subjects. My plan is to transfer to Baruch soon and then I can graduate from there next year. I love writing but haven’t done so in a long time. In my spare time, I love dancing and just enjoying nature meaning going on walks or just going out with friends.

  2. ia Macharashvili

    Hi everyone! This is my second semester in college. English is one of my favorite classes and enjoy writing and reading new interesting things. My major is Hospitality Management, in specific I want to learn more about event management and Lodging is something I recently got interested in. During my free time, I enjoy spending time with my friends and family members as well as watching movies. My favorite genre of either books or movies is horror and mystery. I’m excited about what we will accomplish in this course.

  3. Kevin

    Hi, my name is Kevin, I am interested in utilizing creativity and learning. Currently, I am majoring in graphics design as it uses creativity for the job. Graphics design is used to portray a message utilizing visual and or textual content, this is mostly used in media and advertisement. The thing I like to do are learning. I like to learn different things whenever I can whether it’s useful or not. One skill I had trouble learning was juggling, it was difficult to maneuver my hands the way that I wanted them to. It almost felt as if I had zero control over my hands, however, through time, I managed to gain more control and finally be able to juggle. I guess for me I am all over the place and it becomes easy for me to become obsessed with a skill I wanna learn.

  4. Shawn Dorsey Jr.

    Hey everyone my name is Shawn and I’m a human services major. I chose this major because it was a wonderful fit for me. Throughout my life I was always just that easy person to talk to and had the zeal to help others which is why I was lead to go down the path of human services. I enjoy playing video games in my spare time, I like to write poems and watch anime. I also like a lot of nostalgic things.

  5. kaylasmall

    My name is Kayla, i’m a sophomore and my pronouns are she/her/hers. My major is dental hygiene and I chose this major because science and math have both been easy for me and I enjoy them both. I listen mainly to R&B, but sometimes will listen to rap. I don’t read often, but I recently just finished BMF on Starz and Archive 81 on Netflix and enjoyed them both. I am currently watching Euphoria as well. In my spare time, I am usually working, going to brunch with friends, or spending my time on tiktok or instagram at home.

    • Livleen

      Hey Kayla, dental hygiene sounds so interesting! I honestly have been wanting to watch Euphoria but have not got the time to. Tic Tok is an absolute go to when bored as well. I hope this major goes great for you and wishing you the best in dental hygiene.

  6. Diego Osorio

    My name is Diego and I’m a mechanical engineering technology major here at City Tech. I chose this major because I enjoy problem solving and Mechanical engineering is a broad field. This means that it does not limit my future career opportunities. When I’m not focusing on school, I enjoy playing video games and streaming them to my friends. Typically, I play a lot of first person shooter games. Horror games and other works, including movies, are also a favorite of mine. As for music, I listen to most genres except country.

    • Alija

      Hey Diego, I do agree that Mechanical engineering is a very broad field and you can land a job in many different places. Good choice with selecting this degree that will allow you to join all types of companies. The opportunities are limitless. Good luck

      • Diego Osorio

        Thank you, Alija. I wish you luck in your field as well.

    • Brandon Nguyen

      I like video games too, what video games do you play?

      • Diego Osorio

        Recently, I have been playing a lot of Valorant, but I enjoy a bunch of different games.

  7. Isaiah F

    Hey, my name is Isaiah and I’m from Brooklyn. I am currently a student attending City Tech. My goal is to get an associate degree in computer science (CS). I’ve done coding in my previous high school and found interest in learning the developing technology that we call the internet. I think acquiring these skills will benefit me in my future profession. I like to write music, play basketball, and traveling to different places. I like to connect with other people because we can built from each other. The only way to get to know me is by connecting with me. I don’t have any time to waste because of Covid-19. Let’s get to know each other and grow from there.

    • kaylasmall

      I also love to travel, I’m going to 3 new countries this year if Covid will let me.

      • Isaiah F

        Take Me With You. LOL Where Would You Like To Go ?

        • kaylasmall

          We can go together lol! I have one flight already booked to curacao in June for my birthday, and I intend to go to Turks in July with my family and Paris in August for my friend’s birthday.

      • Shawina B

        You’re speaking my language! I have two trips planned and I’m hoping COVID doesn’t stop me.

    • Unamta Yasir

      Hi Isaiah. I see that you like to write music which I can relate to as I sing and I have family members who write music.

      • Isaiah F

        Music is my love language ❤️

    • ia Macharashvili

      I recently got into traveling and planning to visit Italy this summer hopefully without any problems because of .. well you already know what 🙁

  8. Shawina B

    I am a former City Tech student returning to college after many years. I was a marketing, management, and sales major and worked in the industry briefly. Every job I’ve had after that has been related to human services in some shape or form. I found that those jobs made me feel the most fulfilled and the most motivated to go to work.
    Before the pandemic, I noticed I had been jumping from job to job. I wanted to find a more specific path. I determined I wanted to focus on the youth. I specifically wanted to work in a school. My main concern is advocating for services for children–especially those that do not have a voice at home.
    My current pastime is watching the usual suspects on all streaming platforms. It requires me to use very few brain cells. I used to love reading–urban romance and mystery; however, I fall asleep when I read.

  9. Jaden Peña

    Hi I’m Jaden Peña my current major is liberal arts and sciences but my academic interests is nursing. I enjoy reading manga’s, I love pop music and hip hop music. I love watching tv shows and anime’s. In my spare time I would go outside in my backyard and play basketball with my brother.

  10. Alija

    I am a freshman student studying construction management and facilities management. I chose my major because I grew up around many people in the construction field and found that I loved it from a young age. My plan is to be a property manager and I believe that having a construction management degree along with a facilities management degree, will help me land a good job. I believe that with my construction management degree, I can possibly get some of the construction jobs in the company where I am a property manager. All my life I’ve helped my superintendent father with repairs, renovations, and many other things that will help me in my future. I enjoy reading news whether it be on my phone or a newspaper.

    • Isaiah F

      Can You Teach Me ?

      • Alija

        Sure, what would you like to be taught ?

        • Isaiah F

          You can teach me the basics and go from there

          • Alija


  11. Brianna W.

    Hello my name is Cristian and my major is Environmental Control Technology. The reason I picked this major is because it is hands on, I prefer working with my hands than working a desk job. On my free time I enjoy watching movies and tv shows like the walking dead. When it comes to music I don’t really have a preference as long as it has a catchy beat. Truthfully I’m not sure what I want to do long term in life just taking everything one step at a time.

    • Alija

      Great degree. I was thinking of getting my associates degree in environmental control tech and bachelors in facilities management. Both construction management and environmental control technology go hand in hand with facilities management. Wishing you all the best. Good luck

  12. John Fuentes

    Hello my name is John I am a first year Information Systems Major and I’m having a lot of fun with the classes so far, but there is sort of underlying fear that the classes will get harder but I hope that I find entertainment in the difficulty of everything. I chose my major because i was the first born in my family and I was expected to be the in house technician for my family since they couldn’t really speak english and at that time technology was becoming very overwhelming very quickly for them. When it comes to shows that I watch I really am all over the place, I watch anything from “The Good Doctor” to “Criminal Minds’ and even the occasional Spongebob Episodes on Youtube. I don’t have many hobbies but one thing that I like telling everyone is that at around 5th grade i learned how to solve a Rubiks Cube and its the only thing I can use to show off.

  13. Brandon Nguyen

    Hello, My name is Brandon Nguyen and I am majoring in Computer science at City Tech. I chose this major as I want to pursue an IT career in the future. I love to read news articles and listen to all kinds of different music. I also love to play video games in my spare time but I would often let video games not take up too much of my time. I also like to go outside and get some fresh air and would like to improve my writing by the time I finish the end of this course. I look forward to meeting everyone in this class.

    • Isaiah F

      I Take Computer Science Too. Let’s Connect With Each Other.

  14. Unamta Yasir

    Hi, my name is Unamta Yasir. I am a health science major and I chose this major because you can go in to different medical fields if you are confused as to where exactly you want to be in the medical field. Some of my interests are drawing, painting, and making clothes. I have a small business that I just started where I make anime pants. I love to travel around the world. I’m excited to be a part of this class as I also love reading and writing because it can take your imagination to another world and you get to be a part of a story and tell your own stories through your writings.

  15. Brianna W.

    Good morning everyone my name is Alberto Jorge, My major is liberal arts and sciences. I enjoy listening to music and my favorite rapper is Eminem. I love to watch movies and one of my favorite movie is Scarface. I love to read marvel comic books and I’m a nerd when I talk about marvel I love to watch marvel movies . I’ve watched every marvel movie that came out. I love to play video games and also play basketball and football. I love to spend time with family and friends

    • Shawn Dorsey Jr.

      I watched every marvel move that came out as well what will you say is your top 5 marvel movies?

  16. Elijah Heredia

    my name is Elijah and my current major is communication design but I will be changing it to entertainment tech. because I would like to be some sort of entertainer in the tech space. I enjoy reading manga more than anything else because usually reading strains my eyes but also most books just do not hold my attention. mostly I listen to rap but I try to be open-minded and listen to multiple genres. In my free time, I try to play PlayStation with my friends . I want to learn how to make and edit videos so I can post more and grow a following that I can entertain whether it be on youtube or a podcast with my friends

  17. Brianna W.

    My name is Dian, I major in computer science in City Tech the reason that I choose this major was because I heard people say that I can make a good amount of profit in the future if I can have a deep understanding of the major. At the same time, I also like to build things like websites or systems through coding. The thing I like to do in my spare time is play video game and watch movie.

  18. Zain Ali

    Hello everyone, I’m currently in my sophomore year of college and I’m majoring in Civil engineering. The reason I chose this major is because my dad already has a construction company therefore my plan is to take his business to new heights. I plan to finish my major in 2-3 years. My hobbies are playing basketball and playing video games.

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