Monthly Archives: February 2013

question #1 response

I believe that a lot of the points that Audre Lorde brings up in her “Age, Race and sex” paper are still relevant today. On the whole, racism and sexism still exists today. On a specific note however, some of … Continue reading

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Blog Post #1 Question #1

Audre Lorde “Age, Race, Class and Sex” had many great points that she talked about and proven. Being a feminist activist Audre definitely fought against many of these problems she talked about and of course in the span of thirty-three … Continue reading

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In Audre Lorde “Age, Race, Class, and Sex”, the author talk about how society reacted and feel toward the differences types of race, class and sexuality preferences which they are against. Her point of view seems to be revelant today. … Continue reading

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Blog #1 Question #1

There are a couple of points seeming to be relevant in society presently. However, there is one that somehow changed over the years when Audre Lorde wrote this in 1980. It would be sexism. During those times long before, women … Continue reading

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Question # 1:

Most of what Audre Lorde wrote still seems very relevant today. Like many people have said before, racism will never be completely gone. Not just that, but sexism as well. With a global population of over 7 billion, you are … Continue reading

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Jodi Grant Question 1) There was some stuff that Lorde said that was outdated like when she said ” Black lesbians are threats to Black nationhood, Are now consorting with the enemy, Are basically un-black. In this century alot of … Continue reading

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Blog Post Question 6

In Baldwin’s novel “Giovanni’s Room” us readers begin to sense the David has some sexual conflict with both female and males partners. Although he does not mention him feeling any sort of compassion towards  Joey, the first person he makes … Continue reading

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Question 5

There are a couple of factors, I think, that contributed to the race of the characters and why David was written as Caucasian. The most significant factor I think was the time in which Baldwin wrote Giovanni’s Room. In 1956, … Continue reading

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Blog#1 Question#1

1. Audre Lorde wrote “Age, Race, Class, and Sex” in 1980 partially to address racism within thefeminist movement, and in it she uses strong language about racial oppression, sexism, ageism, andclassism. Which of her points (if any) seem relevant in … Continue reading

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Blog #1 Question #6

I seem to receive the message of homophobia  simply by Baldwin’s style of writing. There is a lack of verbal admittance, what I mean by this (for lack of better words) is that the word “gay” is never even used … Continue reading

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