Weekly Journal #12

It’s getting colder outside and my warm bed feels a lot better than sweltering underneath food lamps… the irony. We’re still getting new transfers/trainees and this month is still really busy. Some thing is usually always changing at work, for example a button being moved on the register system, an order from a leader… There is still some miscommunication and discrepancies in training but I think we’re starting to pay attention to it. Yesterday, Heart and Front of House had a meeting with Vincent Tai who is the F&B Proprietor. He allowed us to share any ideas about what could make things better and how we can fix things at our specific location. He was transparent and upfront about what goes on in F&B and we actually exchanged emails at the end of the meeting. I’m hoping to learn more about the Disney Cruise Line from him.

The biggest challenge is the weather and keeping up the momentum at work with these constant changes. It’s unfortunate to be so busy that I can hardly keep up with the friends I’ve made on this program but that’s life.

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