Weekly Journal #7

So it took me 7 weeks to finally catch what’s called “the DCP plague.” Joking. I think it’s just seasonal allergies (fingers crossed).

Anyway, being short staffed at work is still a big challenge. New CPs have all been trained differently to the point where it seems like there is lack of communication and miscommunication. Almost every night we get thanked for coming in to work and I finally understand why. We are almost at the three month mark and we’re just now meeting with leaders/coordinators to talk about things like our locations’ dining plans and communication with guests.

Despite the challenges, hanging with coworkers and making jokes with cast members and guests and doing my best to create magical moments make it worthwhile and entertaining. I honestly can’t wait to return to NYC but it does feel like my program just began. There are still things that I am learning and are explained to me.

I started classes last week and I’m already stressed but it seems like it’ll be fun. I met two students/CPs from Canada–one is in my group and the second one was telling me about the party bus and we exchanged numbers.

Usually I’m out and about by myself and as usual I was at Disney Springs. Their Edison bar/restaurant is really awesome.

The Edison at Disney Springs


Moving forward, I’m hoping to stay on top of my priorities and manage school, work and waiting forever for transtar/transdev busses.

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